Sadhu was staying with his Guru. On seeing Bandhumati Sadhvi there, Sāmāyika Sädhu, vividly recollecting the sexual pleasures that he may have enjoyed with Bandhumatı during their household life, became greatly enamoured of her. As soon as, the pious-minded Bandhumatı Sādhvî, came to know about the evil intentions of Sāmāyika Sådhu, she commenced the vow of remaining in religious meditation without food and drink till the end of her life, with the permission of her Gurugî. Having died with perfect calmness of mind, Bandhumati was born as a god in deva-loka.
On having heard about the death of Bandhumati Sädhvi by anasana (remaining in religious meditation without food and drink till the end of her life), Sāmāyika Sadhu thought:-The pious Sâdhvi Bandhumati did anasana simpiy on account of her fear of breach of her accepted vow, but I have already mentally bro ken my vow, then, why should I live any longer ? With this idea in his mind, Sāmāyika Sādhu, also, did anasana, and on death, he was born as a god in déva-loka.
Although Sämâyıka Sadhu did anasana and was born as a god, he ought to have done expiatory rites before his wellversed Guru, with a clear conscience, for the purpose of purifying the wickedness of his mind caused by evil thougnts. But he did not do it even on his death-bed. Having intentionally entertained wicked thoughts of sexual intercourse with a Sadhvi (nun), Sâmāyika Sadhu became burdened with a grave blemish in his ascetic life, and consequentiy, he was born, during his next life in a Non-āryan country and in an anārya (uncivilised) family. But, as he had led a very pious ascetic life, during the rest of the period, he was born in a royal family and by getting an au. spicious opportunity of forming a friendship with Abhaya Kumāra, Ardra Kumāra was able to see for himself an incident of his previous life. One can, thus, realise the consequences of good or bad actions. If evil thoughts crop up in one's mind, he should purify his Soul by practising adequate penance.
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