his five hundred newly initiated disciples, Ardra Muni, then, went to Śramana Bhagavana Mahavira, who was at Rājagriha.
5. Métarya Munivara
wafifa geat, agargı qani féédi पत्तो अ तस्स मवणं, सुवन्नगारस्स पाचस्स ॥ ८५ ॥
facinfenfor grafa, fauidão sea vestfor ! नय संजमाओ चढिओ, मेअज्जो मंदरगिरिव्व ॥ ८६ ॥ नवyoवी जो कुंचगमबराहिणमवि दयाइ नाइरके । तं निअजिअनिरविरकं, नमामि मेअअर्मतगडं
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1. Rayagihammi puravaré samuānaṭṭhâ kayāim hinḍanto Patto a tassa bhavanam, suvanna-gārassa pāvassa.
2. Nippheḍiâm dunnivi, sisävéḍhèga jassa acchini Naya sanjamão calio, Méajjo Mandara giri vva, 3. Navva puvvi jo kuñcaga-mavrāhiņamavi dayāi nāiraké Tam niajianiravirakam, namâmi Méaamantagadam.
Jain Education International
For Private Personal Use Only
1-2-3 Metarya Muni one day moving about for alms in the excellent town Rājagriha, went to the house of a goldsmith (who was known as the murderer of a Muni). Métārya Muni whose both eyes dropped down by tight bandage of the head with a piece of fresh leather, but who did not swerve from his ascetic life like Mandara Giri. Besides, I pay homage to Métarya Muni who did not say, out of mercy for the kaunca bird ( curlew), that the bird had swallowed the gold-beads of the goldsmith, although he knew it, who was well-versed in nine Pūrvas, and who was indifferent towards his own body.
An Accouut of, Metärya Muni
In Sakétapura Nagara of Bharata Kgétra of Jambz Dvipa