future. What hope of persons who have practised Anasana abstinence from food and drink-materials )? Even my four hands have fallen to the ground ? i-e. I have becorre perfectly help -less. When can I see the face of my son and of my son-inlaw again? I have become the most unfortunate among all women.
On seeing Bhadrâ Mātā thus over-whelmed with sorrow, King Śréņika and Prince Abhaya Kumāra having sprinkled her with their nectar-like words, brought her to her entire senses, Then, Prince Abhaya Kumara said :- Bhadrā Mātā! At such a moment, sorrow on your part is not advisable Because, you are great among the greatest. You are honorable among all females Therefore, do not be uselessly sorry In this world, several females give birth to numerous sons; out of these sons, some, having become clever in seventy two arts and sciences and having reached the age of youth, marry a number of wives. Having acquireds wealth, corn etc by meritorious deeds of previous lives, they become over whelmed by enjoyments not previo. usly obtained. These persons even, becoming solely desirous of enjoyments, indulge in worldly pleasures 1hey do not abandon sensual enjoyments even for a monent Having indulged in sensual pleasures as long as they live, they wander into hells or nigoda, after death. Those others - destitute of meritorious Karmas -paupers from their birth-thirsty with the hope of sensual pleasures-indulge in the eighteen varieties of sinful actions. But without meritorious deeds of previous lives, they do not get Wealth. They also, having acquired much sin wander into hells or nigoda Moreover, you are a woman wiio has carried il valuable gem in her womb. You are one w no has given birth to a migthy person. Because, you have given birth to a son who is an illuminator of your family and who is the only treasure of merito rious deeds Even an excellent person endowed with the dignity of a Cakravartin or of a jinésvara has not enjoyed the pleasures experienced by your son No where is it heard that any body has abandoned gold, diamonds etc as objects to be thrown away
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