Dharma-labha ( gain of piety). Thinking that the poor woman, was cracking jokes at him, Nandi-sena Muni produced a heap of jewels in her house by the miraculous powers of his austerities, and told her: - 'Here is Artha - labha (Jain of wealth, also for you."
The prostitute was greatly astonished by the divine powers of the Muni. The body of Nandişeņa Muni was that of a royal prince. Luster of austerity was added to his natural beauty. The prostitute became deeply enamoured with his charming body. She at once caught hold of Nandişen's arm, and having taken him into the interior of her house, she told him:-O Lord ! You have graciously given me Dharma-läbha, as well as, Artha-läbha. You have also shown me your divine powers. But I am now desirous of having bhoga-läbha (gain of sensual enjoyments) with you. You are brave in performing severe penance, and there will be no difficulty in complying with my request. Besides, I am a helpless woman, and it is quite appropriate that a brave person, like yourself, should give protection to the female sex even at some personal sacrifice. If you say 'no' to my humble entreaties, I can assure you that, even at this very moment, in your prese. nce I will kill myself near your feet.”
At last, the Inevitable occurred ! Nandisepa became helpless He decided to live at the prostitute's house. But, at the same time, he took a vow that he would preach the Dharma promuigated by the Jinéśvaras to devout persons and would daily send at least ten persons to śramaņa Bhagavin Mahâvira for Dikşă before he took his daily meals and if he did not instruct ten persons he would abandon all the worldly enjoyments. Now, having left aside the apparel of a Sadhu, thinking about the advice of the deity and the preachings of śramaņa Bhagavān Mahā vira, the worthy Sadhu was enjoying worldly pleasures at the house of the prostitute and having preached Jaina Dharma, he was daily sending ten persons, to śramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvīra for Diksă.
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