neither water nor air can pass through it, any one takes one piece of hairfrom the pit at the end of one hundred years and goes on taking out the hairs at that rate, the time taken to remove all the hairs from the pit is called Palyopama Kāla. Such kotākoti palyopamas. One Sagaropama.
"Time is infinite; but there are in it, kāla-cakras (econs or cycles ). Each cycle has two eras viz the avasarpiņi or descending era of ten kotākoti sagaropams-in which piety and truth etc. (dharma) go on decreasing until in the end, chaos and confusion, reign over the earth; and 2. the utsarpiņi or ascending era also of ten koțakoti sāgaropamas in which there is an evergrowing evolution of piety, truth etc. Each of these two equal eras, is divided into six arakas (spokes or divisions or sectors of a wheel) of unequal length, which have their distinguishing features fixed for them for ever. The arrangement of two eras is as follows :--1. First araka named susama susamă of Avasarpini of four koțakoți sägaropams-period of great happiness. 2. Second araka named susama of three kotă--koți săgaropams -period of happiness. 3 Third araka of named susama-duşamā of two kota-koti sāgaropamas-age of happiness and misery 4. Fourth araka named dusama-susamā of one koţă-koti sāgaropama minus forty-two thousand years-age of misery and some happ. iness 5. Fifth araka named duşamā of twenty-one thousand years -age of misery. This is the particular period in which we are living; we have passed through 2476 years of it 6. Sixth araka named duşama-dusamā of twenty-one housand years-age of great misery.
The six arakas of the utsarpini era are, as follows viz 1, First araka named dusama-dusamă of twenty-one thousand years -age of great misery. 2 Second araka named duşamă of twenty one thousand years-age of misery. 3. Third araka of named duşama-susamā-of one kota-koti sāgaropama minus forty-two thousand years age of misery and some happiness. 4. Pourth araka named susama-dusamă of two koțā-koți sāgaropamas-age of happiness and misery. 5 Fifth araka named susamá of three
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