Oraivéyaka Déva-loka. Descending from Vijaya Vimāna, they will be born in Mahā Vidéha Ksétra and will become Siddha-Buddha and Mukta (Liberated).
Śramaņa Bhagavāna Mahăvîra gave Diksā to several other individuals besides Sumanobhadra and Supratistha. The account of these two sådhus is given under one heading because their ways were similar. The only distinction was that the period of asce ticism of Sumanobhadra was many years, while that of Supratistha Muni was twenty-seven years.
Śramaņa Bhagavāna Mahāvira then went in the direction of Vatsa-desa. Having gone to Vânijya-grama he put at the pleasuregarden named Duiyapaläsa of that town,
4 Ananda Grihapati. Having given diksā to Sumanobhadra, Supratistha and others, Sraniana Bhagavâna Mahāvīra went in the direction of his native place-Vidéha-desa (country in the vicinity of Gandaki River-the place now known as Tirhut). Coming to Vānijya-grāma, Sramana Bhagaväna Malāvīra, had lodged in a temple named Duipalāsaya outside the town.
At Vān:jya gräma, there lived a very wealthy and competent merchant named Ananda who had four crore gold-coins in his treasure, four vore in commerce, and four crore goid-coins in house-hold estates, ornaments, furniture etc. Besides, he possessed four yrajas (cowpens) each consisting of 10000 cows. He was a happy adviser to all the members of his family, as well as, to numerous traders, He afforded protection to numerous individuals and reace to all. He lived very happily along with his wife Sivanandā.
In a dwelling-place, named Kollaka Sannivesa in the northeast of Vānijya-grāma, the friends, caste-people, and relatives of Ananda lived. Ananda Urihapati was a jñālri ksatriya, and being a follower of the doctrines of Jaina Tirthankaras he carried on all his business concerns as an honest merchant. It is needless
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