22 (Then), being a Jina and h évalin, he knows the Loka (world)
and A-loka (non-world. ?2/16. 23. (Then', he stops the functions of his body, and reaches the
climax of a human being. 23/17. 24 (Then} he destroys the rest of his Karman and attains
Per fection 24/18.
25. (Then), residing at the top of the world, he is perfected and
eternally existing 20/19. 26. Anonk who enjoys worldly lappiness, whose mind is filled
with pleasant thoughts, who rests whenever he likes, and who washes his body-such a one will hardly attain a happy
state 26/20. 27 A monk who cares for austerities and virtues, who is honest,
who likes to practise patience and self control, who vanquishes the twenty-two parişahas ( troubles )-such a one will surely attain a Happy State. 27/21.
28. A monk with right faith, should always strive after the kno
wledge of the six groups of animals. When he has attained the life of a monk, difficult as it is, he should not sin by Karman. Thus I say. 28/22.
At Rāja-griha Nagara.
Having stayed for a few days at Apāpā Nagari, śramana Bhagavān Mahăvira went to Rāja-griha Nagara accompanied by his 4411 Sădhu-pupils, and in the pleasure-garden named Cuņasila caitya of the town, gods prepared a Samavasarapa.
On hearing the news of the arrival of śramana Bhagavan Mahāvira, large crowds of people assembled in lanes, squares, and high-roads, and many Ksatriyas, Lecchavies, Mallakies, villagechiefs, merchants, mullionairs, generals, princes, noble-men etcwent to Guņa Śila Caitya for darsana of the Worshipful Lord.
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