Tassa imāo panca bhāvanão bhavanti, tattha imā padhama bhāvanā-No Nigganthé abhikkhaṇam 2 itthîņam kaham kahittaré siyā. Kévali bûyā-Nigganthé ņam abhikkhanam 2 itthîņam kaham kahémāņé santi-bhéyā santi-vibhangă santi Kévalipannattāó dhammão bhaņsijjâ, no Niggantéņam abhikkhanam 2 itthîņam kaham kahittaé siya tti padhamâ bhâvanâ.
First Clause of the Fourth Great Vow. There are five clauses This is the first clause. A Nirgrantha does not continually discuss topics relating to women. The Kéyalin says-If a Nirgrantha discusses such topics he might fall from the law declared by the Kévalin because of the distruction or disturbance of his peace. A Nirgrantha does not continually discuss topics relating to women. This the first clause.
Second Clause of thn Fourth Groat Vow. अहावरा दुचा भावणा-नो निग्गंथे इत्यीणं मणोहराई २ इंदियाई बालोइत्तए निज्झइत्तए सिया, केवली बूया० निग्गंथेणं इत्थीणं मणोहराई २ इंदियाइं आलोएमाणे निज्झाएमोणे संतिभेया संविधिमंगा जाव धम्माओ मंसिज्जा, नो निग्गंथे इत्थीणं मणोहराई २ इंदियाई आलोइत्तए निझाइत्तए, सिय ति दुच्चा मावणा ॥ २ ॥
Ahāvarâ duccâ bhavana-No Nigganthé itthiqam manoharaim 2 indiyaim aloittaé nijjhaittaé siya. Kévali büya-Nigganthén ņam itthiņam manoharâim 2 indiyâim aloémåné nijjhâé-mané san. tibhéyâ santi-vibhanga jâva dhammâo bhamsijja, no Nigganthé itthinan manoharâim 2 indiyâim âloittaé nijjeâittaé siya tti duccā bhavana
Second Clase of the Fourth Great Vow.
Now, next, the second clause. A Nirgrantha does not behold and contemplate the lovely forms of women. The Kevalin says—lf a Nigrantha beholds and contemplates the lovely forms of women he might-fall from the law declared by the Kevalin.
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