Book Title: Jainism in South India and Some Jaina Epigraphs
Author(s): P B Desai
Publisher: Jain Sanskruti Samrakshak Sangh Solapur
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51 Sāmānyo = ya dharmma-sētul = připāņām kālē kālē pālaniyo bhavadbhib sarvvān=ētān
52 bhāginah pārtthivēndrān bhūyo bhūyö yachato Rimachamdraḥ 11[11 *] Vasudhā bahu
53 bhir=ddattā rājabhiḥ Sagar-ūdibhiḥ yasya yasya yadā bhūmnis = tasya tasya tadā pha!am || [12*]
54 Mad-vaṁsajā = rpara-mahipati-vaisajā vā yē pālayamti mama dbarmmam = idam samastam pāpād=apé
55 ta manaső bhuvi bhāvi-bhūpāḥ tēshāin mayā virachito = mjalir = ësha mūrdhni [13 *] Sva-dattāṁ para-dattām
56 vā yo harēta vasumdharām shashtir = vvarsha-sahasrāņi vishthāyām jāyatē kļimiḥ (14 * ] Vindhy.ațavj.
57 shv-atöyāsu śushka-kõțara śāyinaḥ krishna-sarppã hi jāyaṇtē dēva. bhög-āpahā
58 riņaḥ || [15 *7 Vāg-vadhū-nandanań Jinam( na) pād-ām bhõja-bhțimgam Nāgārjuna-paņditam baredań [1*] Mamgala-mahā-Śrī [11*]
ABSTRACT OF CONTENTS Verse 1. May the doctrine of Lord Jina be victorious--the doctrine which is the commandment of the overlord of the three worlds and which bears the glorious and supremely profound Syād-vāda (theory of May-be). as its infallible characteristic mark.
Lines 2-5. Hail! The illustrious monarch Tribhuvamalladēva ( Vikramāditya VI) who is an ornament of the Chaluhya race and bears the titles. Samastabhuvanāsraya (Asylum of the Whole Earth), Sri-Prithvi-vallabha (Consort of the Goddess of Fortune and Earth), etc., is carrying on his victorious rule over the kingdom from his capital Kalyāṇapura.
Lines 5-13. Hail ! Jūkaladevi, his beloved queen, is administering the township of Inguņige, situated in the district of Aral Three Hundred, with tribhõgābhyantarasiddhi. Chiaste and charming, the crest-jewel of the circle of ladies of the royal palace, the veritable Pārvati of the Kali Age, the Goddess of Learning in a novel the form, the queen of Fairies captivating the heart of her master, and well-versed in arts, she is generous and charitably disposed towards the poor and the needy-the wish-fulfilling jewel as it were in bestowing the fourfold gifts. She, whose head is purified by the perfumed water laving the holy feet of Lord Jina, entertains herself in adoring the lovely feet of the Supreme Lord Arhat. Her own lovely form is a gift of Nature. She ię the daughter of Tikka.
1 We may note here the us of the word 'dharma' in the neuter gender, wbich is rare. 2 According to Jainism gift is fourfold: namely, ábära, i. e., food; abhaya, i. e.
freedom from fear; bhoshaja, i. e., medicine; škstra, i. e., saored lore.