Book Title: Jainism in South India and Some Jaina Epigraphs
Author(s): P B Desai
Publisher: Jain Sanskruti Samrakshak Sangh Solapur
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Verse 2. Praise of Jakaladevi: she is pure, faithful and virtuous like Sită and Parvati, and fascinating like the arrow of Cupid.
Verse 3. The Chalukya sovereign took a solemn oath that he would divert her from her vow (observance of the Jaina practices); but lo, he failed. Was it not a trifle to her, even this crowning achievemet of preserving her faith? Such is Jakaladēvi.
Lines 17-19. Thus she is the Guardian Angel, as it were, of the Jaina Doctrine by virtue of her shielding the Jaina tenets, the Fairy of Fame in the campaigns of the Chalukya Emperor and the Goddess of Victory in subduing the pride of the overbearing hostile kings.
Lines 19-22. One auspicious day when it so chanced through her good fortune that a certain trader brought an image of Lord Mahu-Manikya and was paying his compliments in her presence, the Chalukya Emperor made his appearance on the scene. Impressed by the sight, he looked at
her face and said:
Verse 4. "This image of the Jina is peerless in beauty. He is the traditional tutelary deity of your house. Do you install this image in the township of your authority. It will ever be a source of inspiration to the followers of your faith!"
Thus instructed by the Chalukya overlord she installed the imagea monument of her virtues.
Lines 24-33. She caused to be constructed over it a magnificent temple, a model for others to imitate. Then she prayed her family teacher, Indrasena Bhattaraka, the favourite and foremost disciple of Mallishēņa Bhaṭṭaraka, of the Dravila Samgha, Sōna gana and Malanura anvaya, to receive an endowment duly assigned by her for its maintenance.
Lines 33-35. On Monday, Phalguna su. 10 of the Srimukha samvatsara and the 18th year of the Chalukya Vikrama Kala she entrusted the gift into the hands of the teacher after laving his feet with due ceremony.
Lines 35-15. The endowment consists of 21 big mattars of cultivable land, a garden upon and a houses near the Jaina temple.
Lines 42-50. This charity is to be scrupulously protected and properly maintained by the local officials and the higher authorities of the state. No taxes or levies are to be imposed upon and collected from it.
Lines 51-58. Exhortation to the future rulers to preserve the dharma. Imprecation on the violaters. Nagarjuna Pandita, a source of delight to the Goddess of Learning and a bee in the lotus feet of Lord Jina, composed this record. May auspiciousness and glory attend this!