Book Title: Jainism in South India and Some Jaina Epigraphs
Author(s): P B Desai
Publisher: Jain Sanskruti Samrakshak Sangh Solapur
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26 ddha (10*7 Brihaspativāradaṁdu Śrīmad-daņdanāyaka Ko27 pparasaru pramukhav-āgi Adakkiyalu basa28 diyam = māạisi Pāriśva-dēvara pratishtheya mā29 di mabă-vibhūtiyim kalas-ārõhaņam māļi 30 Koppa-jinālayav=emdu pesaran=ittu mattam =ā-Pārsva31 dēvarige satataṁ māļuva ashța-vidh-ārchanegam Ji
32 vaday-āshtami Naṁdiśvarad-ashtami samkramaņa gra: 33 haņa vi( vya )tīpāta parvva-dinada mahā-pūjegaṁ prās sā}
34 dam pala-kālam=irppant =āgi padisalisi mārppant =āgi 35 khanda-sphuțita-jīrṇn-oddhārada besakkam Adakkiya tem36 kaņa Koppa-jinālayakke Kopparasa-daņdanāyakarı 37 sarvvanamasyav-āgi bitta toța Brahmadēvana keeyim 38 badagalu kāla mattaru 1 Biruvara-kēriyim ba39 dagana Nēmisettiy = amgaļi va( yo )ndu [:*] Samasta nakaraṁga40 ļu ya( e )radu basadiya dēvara namdādīvigege amgadi41 yalu timgaļige bitta ya(e)ņñe araśana 1 x dardi42 ge māhi vyavaharisuvalli 11 [1* ]Intri-dharmmavan=ār-o43 rvvaru kiţisuvaru ene(i)tu puạya-tirthamga! = anita44 rol go-Brāhmaṇaram sva-hastadim vadhisida mahā45 pátakar= apparu u Sva-dattām para-dattāṁ vā yo ha46 rēta vasuṁdharāṁ shashtir-vvarsha-sahasrāņi vi47 shthāyām jāyatē krimiḥ u Maṁgala-maha-Sri Sri
ABSTRACT Of Contents Lines 1-11. Hail! May he live long-the general Koppa Daņdanātha ; the chief of Adakki; possessor of several distinctions; the illustrious great minister; destroyer of the Chola army; guardian of the Chalukya forces : profoundly truthful; far above public calumny; who never goes back on bis word uttered once ; Parasurāma in vindicating his solenn vow; the wish-giving tree to the cultured and the deserving; proficient in the four Vedas, Rik, Yajus, Sāman and Athar. vaņa; the desire-fulfilling plant of his dependants; born in the pure, eminent Kāśyapa gotra; votary of learning from the state of embryo (or born in the lineage of the Sāras atas); son of the illustrious general (name lost); and a mirror to the faces of the Chālukyan generals.
Lines 11-24: Hail! The illustrious Sireya Kāļisetti, son of Sankarasetti; Sannisetti, son of Asiyakāla Jakkisetti; Nēmisetti; Vattada Mallisetti; Pārisvasețţi; Vardhamānasetti and Kāļisetti; all these who are graced with an assemblage of several virtues; who are endowed with truthfulness, cleanliness, proper conduct, charming demeanour, politeness, modesty and exemplary charda cter; who indulge in bestowing the gifts of food, security, medicine and sacred lore; whose heads are purified by the holy water · which are the virtues of