Book Title: Jainism in South India and Some Jaina Epigraphs
Author(s): P B Desai
Publisher: Jain Sanskruti Samrakshak Sangh Solapur
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Chaturmukha (Siddhāntadēva )
(after some generations)
(after some generations)
Pushpadanta alias Maladhāri
Tribhuvanachandra After this comes in prose a lengthy descriptive passage containing the eulogy of the reputed divine Nēmichandra Paņditadēva. The epigraph ends with a formal benediction to this pontiff.
There is no evidence in the record to determine its date. However considerations of palaeography would lead us to assign it approximately to the middle of the 12th century A. D. It is likely that it was composed nearabout the date of the previous record, i. e., A. D. 1138.
The occasion and purpose of the document also are nowhere stated. The record is also silent regarding the rôle played by the pontiff Nēmichandra Panditadēva in any transaction relating to the Jaina temple. But it would be reasonable to assume from the provenance of the inscription that he was intimately connected with the temple of Adi-Bhattāraka in whose favour a gift was made in the previous epigraph. We may also presume that he was in charge of the religious institution and that the gift was entrusted into his hands. The occasion of the present inscription would thus appear to be the same as noted in the foregoing charter. It was a fitting opportunity therefore to place on record the sense of reverence and admiration cherished by the local officials and the councillors of the town of Sēờimba for the great pontiff and his spiritual lineage; and this opportunity was utilised by setting up this inscription which is a sort of memorial and supplementary document, by the side of the other record. In this manner we can, not only explain, but open justify the characteristic omission of many an essential detail in the present document.