Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 07
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 38
________________ 28 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JANUARY, 1878. if established would demonstrate an interesting ascetics and laymen, or Sravakas. The former exarx ple of philological phenomena. are now divided into Bhattårkas, or high priests, Gaixvadi. and pandits, or common ascetics; and into four gachhas, sects or schools, viz., the Nandi. THE DIGAMBARÀ JAINAS. gachha, the Sarasvati, the BharatiAt Debli I visited the two temples of the gach ha, and the Syenagachha. In older Digambar Jainas in company with Pandit Visves- times the Digambara ascetics used to go naked, varnátha, and was received by their chief priest, and from this custom they derive the names the Bhattárka, and the ascetics (who are called | Digambara, "sky-clad, Nirgrantha 8, pandits) in a very friendly manner. They readily without a knot, Nagnatas, naked mendi. answered my questions regarding their religion; cants. Now they make a compromise with the they showed me one of their libraries which is spirit of the times and the British law. They kept in the temple near the Chandni Chouk, gave maintain, as formerly, in theory that a man me a list of the Bhattårka's books, and offered can only obtain salvation when he is perfectly to copy anything I might require. nirmama, free from all possessions and all During a fortnight's stay [at Jaypur] I be desire to possess, and that hence clothes ought caine acquainted with some of the best Digam not to be worn by a true ascetic. But the bara pandits, and obtained through them a good pandits wear the usual dress of the country, and foundation for a collection of the works of their even the Bhatparkas cover themselves with sect, and more copious information regarding a chaddar, which they put otf when eating. At their faith than has fallen to the share of other their meals they sit perfectly naked, and a pupil Sanskritists. From the statements of the Jaypur rings a bell to keep off all strangers. The laymen pandits, which agree in general with those of are divided into three Jatis, or sub-divisions, their Dehli brethren, it appears that the Digam- Khandarwal, Agrawal, and Bahirwal, who will eat bara Jainas are scattered over a great part of with each other. But each marries within his eastern Rajputâna, of the Panjab, of the North- own class. Where, as in Dehli, a portion of the Western Provinces, and of the Central India Jainas have left the faith and turned Vaishnavas, Agency, and have even some outlying settlements still intermarriages between them and their Jaina in Gujarat. They name the following towns as caste-fellows may take place. There are, besides, the locations of their Vidyasthanas, or seats of farther sub-divisions of the three Jats. Thus learning :- 1 Jaypur, ? Dehli, and Sonpat among the Jaypur Khandarwals there are (where a large bhandar is said to exist), 3 Gw&- Vispanthts and Therapanthis. The former worlior, 4 Ajinir, 5 Någar in Rajputâna, 6 ship standing, &c., and the latter seated. The Râmpur-Bhanpur near Indor, 7 Karangi, literature of the Digambaras is divided into four and 8 Surat. These cities, together with Vedas, vis. :Karnata, and a fabulous island Jaina badh ri, 1. The Prathamdnuyoga, which comprises all which is placed 1500 kos from Jaypur, beyond works on their Itihdea, their legends and history; Râmes varam, are said to contain altogether to this division belong the twenty-four Puranas, sixteen vidyasthanas, among which that at Jay which give the lives of the twenty-four Tirthanpur is the principal one. The list does not fit the karas, the Uttarapurdna, Harivamsapurdna, etc. state of things in our days. For instance, in 2. The Karandnuyoga, which includes the Ajmir and in Surat there is now no learning. works describing the origin and the order of the There are only small Digambara communities, universe, e.g. Trilokaadra, Tulokabhishana, Jowhose spiritual wants are attended to by very tishasdra, Bijaganita, Chandrarprajnapti, Süryaignorant Bhattarkas. It is also clear that the prajnapti, etc. author of the list had no very clear idea of the 3. The Drasydnuyoga, which treats of their extent of the Jaina colonies of Southern India, doctrine or philosophy. Some of the chief works as one vidyasthána only is allotted to the Kar- belonging to it are the Jomattasára, Pravacha. nâta country. But the list seems to give the nasara, Ashțasahasri, Prameyakamala-Mártanda, gddis, or seats of high-priests, correctly for Rajavarttika, etc. Central and North-Western India. It is also 4. The Charandnuyoga, which treats of the indisputable that Jaypur is now the chief seat of Achdra, customs, worship, &c. To this subdiviDigambara learning. The Digambaras called them- sion belong the Trivarndchdra, Muldchdra, Jogaselves the Mula sa mghu, or' primitive church,' mula, Ashtapdhuda, Padmananda-pachchisi, &c. and assert that the Svetâmbaras seceded from These divisions are likewise known to the them, while the latter state exactly the opposite. Svetämbara Jainar, though they usually prefer to Like the Svetâmbaras, they are divided into classify their sacred literature as Angaa, Upangas,


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