Auguer, 1878.)
Seventh plate. [] Bahubhir=vvasudha datta bahabhis-ch=anupalità yasya yasya [°] yada bhûmi(mil) tasya tasya tathâ(da) phalam | Varddhamâna-rajya-dvadvi)[ti][60] ya-samvatsarê Chaitra-masê sukla-pakshê | daśyamyam Magha-......... 1011 nakshatra Budha-vårêshu va-mukh-ajñaña)pta[a*] Dirgôchâyi .............. ["] velayilkanmarakundi Erasya patra Vinayakasya likhitam sasanamn=idam || Translation.
like the Wielder of the discus, has his body Hail! The grandson of the Great King decorated with the marks of the status of a Vishnuvardhana who illumined all the universal emperor; who is a zealous worterritories of the regions with his banners of shipper of Mahê śvara; and who meditates victory acquired in the contest of many battles, on the feet of his mother and his father, thus and who adorned the family of the Chalu kyas, issues his commands to all people :who are glorious; who are of the lineage of Be it known to all! The village of Mânav ya, which is praised over the whole Reyûru, in the midst of the villages of world; who are the descendants of Hâriti; Pasindi and Parunidu and Mrâwho have been nourished by mothers who are numi and Delkontha and Râvin ûyu, the seven mothers of mankind; who have acquir. in the district of Karmarashtra, has ed the dignity of sovereignty through the protec- been apportioned by Us, for the sake of tion of Karttikoya; who have had all kings strength and victory and freedom from sickness, made subject to them in the instant at the sight (in the following manner). Twelve shares to of the sign of the Boar, which they acquired Kondisarma of the Bharad vaja gótra, through the favour of the holy Narayana; the son's son of Nagasar mâ and the who are of immovable stability like the mountains; son of Agnisarma. Ten shares to Man. and who have had the guilt of the Kali age daśarma of the Bharad vaja gôtra, removed by ablutions performed after celebrating the son's son of Nagasar mâ, and the horse-sacrifices--the dear son of Indra, the son of Sam karasar ma. Again, eight venerable one, who was equal in prowess to shares to Kumâraśarma of the Bha(the god) Indra and was the dear younger rad vaja gôtra, the son of Nagasarma. brother of the Great King Jayasimha Val- Two shares to Sam kara sarma of the labha, whose feet, which were as lotuses, Kandilya gôtra. Two shares to Kumara. were covered with clusters of flowers which sarma of the Kaundily a gôtra. Two shares were the rays of the jewels set in the tiaras of to his younger brother, Agnisarma. Four all kings (who bowed down before him), and shares to Kappaśarma of the house of) Alawho attained success in all things by practising bôya'' and of the Ka un dily a gôtra, the on profound meditation,-(viz.) the Great King of Kandaśarma who was the son of KatVishnuvardhana, -whose two feet have tiśarma. Again, one share to Kappahonour done to them by the court of the lotuses sarma. Again, two shares to Rê vasarma. which are the faces of the numerous kings who Again, two shares to Kandasar ma. Again, are bowed down by his (possession of the) three balf a share to Kandasarma. Three and a constituents of regal power; whose famo ex- half shares to Badisar må of (the house tends up to the circuit of the shores of the of) Koyila bôya and of the Bhå - four oceans; who practises being the refuge dvaja gôtra. One share to Palasarma of of all people in accordance with the sacred (the house of) Utpitoru bôya and the writings composed by Manu and others; who, Kan va gôtra. One share to Kundisar mî
There may be two letters broken away here ; see note 2. Caldwell in his Grammar of the Dravidian Languages; but . Two or three letters are broken away here.
it is one of the forma given by Mr. Kittel in his Notes con
cerning the Numerals of the ancient Dravidians (Ind. Samprapta(ptah), 1.60, lit. "effected, accomplished.'
Ant., Vol. II, p. 24). Sanderson's Dictionary gives two 10 Böya appears to be some sorpame or class name.
words containing it,- muyy-erad-adi, the carpenter-bee, Since it occurs in 11. 32, 47, and 50 affixed to the proper Dame which has six feet', (or lit., three two of feet'); and muyy: Késava, probably all the names to which it is affixed are
fr-moga, Shanmukha, the god of war, who has six faces proper names,-80 of them being taken from names of (or lit.,three two of faces'). On the analogy of these two villages.
words, muyy-ardha may possibly mean three halves', i.e. Muyy-arddha; a hybrid word, muyyu being Canarese, one and a half"; but it seems to me to be used in the and ardha Sanskrit. Muyyu, three', is not given by Dr.I sense of maru-vari, 'three and a half.'