Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 07
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 262
________________ 216 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [SEPTEMBER, 1878. who had mastered all the sacred writings,--he Pisacha', there is an ant-hill at a clump of gave towns and the enjoyment of sites of land. sami-trees. From that, going to the east as far There he declares the boundaries of the (right as the road, and then to the south as far as the of) enjoyment of sites of land. On the north- athala-giri, and then to the west, along the west of the Chaitya-hall, there is a tank. Going stha!a-giri as far as the place of the sami-trees, in a straight line to the west from there, there and then to the north, (we come) to the Ant-bill is the road, in the middle of which there is a at the clump of sami-trees. stone set up. Going to the south from that, At the village of Pantigan age, in the along the road, there is a stream, in the middle south-west quarter, and in the northern quarter of which there is a stone set up. Going to of the manya-field, there was given) a field, (of the east (from that), as far as a tamarind-tree, the measure of) forty nivartanas by the royal and then going to the north, there is the tank measure, encompassed by its four boundaries mentioned above. That which is thus sita. and constituted thus On the west there is the ated is the field of the entrance of the village. | sthala-giri. Going along the boundary to the There he declares the boundaries of the fields east from that, as far as the ant-hill near a sami(which are the objects of the right) of enjoyment tree, and from that to the south as far as the of sites of land. - Starting from the bridge on boundaries of the village of Ko maraiche, the south of the city and going along the stream and from there along the boundary to the enst to the east as far as the gleaning-field, on the as far as the stream, and from that along the west boundary of it there is a stone set up. stream to the north as far as an ant-hill near & From that, going along the boundary to the clump of sami-trees, and from that to the west north, there is an ant-hill near a sami-tree. as far as the northern weir of the tank, and From that, again, going to the east, there is the from that to the south along the sthala-giri. sthala-giri. From that, again, going to the In the west quarter of the village of Man north along the hill, there is the high part of gali (there was given) a field, of the measure the hill. From that, going to the west as far of) forty nivartanas by the royal measure. He as the hill (eatends), and then to the west as far declares the boundaries of it. Going to the as the sthala-giri, and then to the south, (we west from the sthala-giri along the road as far as come to the place where) the bridge stands. the boundary of the village of Ravik a, and (Thus is constituted) the field (which is the object from there to the north along the boundary as of the right) of enjoyment of a site of land, far as the sthala-giri, and from there to the (measuring) one hundred and fifty nivartanas east along the sthala-giri as far as the sthalaby the royal measure, and encompassed by its giri (extends), and from there to the south along four boundaries. the sthala-giri,-(thus is it) situated, and encomAt the village of Narinda ka, in the south- passed by its four boundaries. west quarter, (there was given a field, (of the In the village of Karandig e, in the west measure of)forty nivartanas by the royal measure, quarter, (there was given) a field, (of the measure in the south quarter, encompassed by its four of) twenty-five nivartanas by the royal measure, boundaries, and constituted (by a boundary-line on the north-west of the tank of the asvatthadrawn) up to the road to the village of Na- tree between the roads to the villages of rinda ka in a straight line from the Singa- Chandavura and Pandarigavalli. toga tank, which is in the centre of the roads In the village of Då vanavalli, in the to the villages of Narinda ka and Sama- west quarter, (there was given) a field of the rivada. measure of forty nivartanas by the royal At the village of Kiņayige, in the east measure, on the west of the grove of the quarter, (there was given) a field (of the measure Pis a cha, Bimbalaya, between the roads of eighty nivartanas by the royal measure, to the city of Alaktaka and the village encompassed by its four boundaries, and lying of Kumbay ija. And again, in that same thus:-At the south-west of the grove of the village, in the south quarter, there was given) a • Sthala-giri, 'a hill on the plain', perhaps denotes one The name of a class of demons. of those isolated masses of heaped-up boulders that are to If the reading is kodi, it is the Canarese word meaning be found all over the black-soil fields in the eastern part a' weir, outlet of a tauk. If the reading is köti, the of the Dharwad District, and probably still further inland. translation will be "the northern edge, i.e. bank."


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