Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 07
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 359
________________ DECEMBER, 1878.] SANSKRIT AND OLD CANARESE INSCRIPTIONS. 301 the kind assistance of the Rev. T. Foulkes of raised rims to protect the writing. The inBengalûr, who obtained the original plates on scription commences on the inside of the first, loan from the owner of them, and transmitted and ends on the inside of the third, plate. The them to England. This has enabled me to give ring had not been cut when the plates were rethe details of the plates, and to correct and com- ceived in England; it is about j' thick, and 4% plete my transcription and translation of them. in diameter. A facsimile of the seal has been Mr. Foulkes does not give the name of the given in the Plate at p. 253 (No. 5) above; it is owner of the plates; but states that he is the slightly oval, about 1" by 1}", and has the reastrologer of the temple of the god Harihara presentation of a boar, facing to the proper at Harihar, and though the grant was made right, in relief on a countersunk surface. to a member of the Vatsya gôtra,--that he The grant was made by Vinay aditya belongs to the Kasy a pa' gôtra. It is not himself, at the request of the king of the Aluknown where the plates were found, or how vas, and seems to have been made to celebrate they came into the possession of the family that a victory over that family. It is dated in the now owns them. fourteenth year of his reign, on the day of the The plates are three in number, about 101" full-moon of Karttika, when Saka 616 (A.D. long by 44" broad. They have very decided 694-5) had expired. Transcription. First plate. ['] Svasti (1*] Jayaty-avishkțitam Vishņôr=vvårå ham kshübhit-êrînavam dakshin-onnata damshtr-agra-vibranta-bhu[') vanan vapuh [11*] Srimatam sakala-bhuvana-samstůyamâna-Manavya-sagðtrâņâm Hârîti putranam [°] sapta-loka-matsibhis=saptamâtribhir-abhirabhi'varddhitânam Kürttikėya-parirakshana prâpta-kalyana[*] paramparâņam bhagavan-Nárayana-prasada-samasdita-vara ha-lånichhan-êkshana kshana-va[°] sikrit-ab@sha-mahibhritamin Chalukyânâm kulam-alam(la) nkarishạôr=aśvamodh-avabh ritha snâna-pa[°] vitrikrita-gåtrasya Sri-Puli'kesi(ti)-Vallabha-maharajasya sunuh paråkram-Akranta-Vanava[') sy-adi-para-nsipati-mandala-praņibaddha-visuddha-kîrttih Sri-Kirttivarmma prithi(thi)vîvalla[] bha-maharajas-tasy=knma(tma)jas=samara-samsakta-bakal-êttarapath-eśvara-Sri[°] Harshavarddhana-parajay-Ôpalabdha paraméévar-Apara-namadh@yah Satya[1] śraya-sri-prithi(thi)vivallabha-mahârâj-adhiraja-parameswaras=tat-priya-suVikramaditya-paramêśvara-bhattârakasya mati-sahâya-sâ hasa-mâtra-sa Second plate; first side. [""] madhigata-nija-vamsa-samuchita-chita-rajya-vibhavasya vividha-rasita-sita-samara-mukha["'] gata-ripu-narapati-vijaya-samupalabdha-kirtti(rtti)-patak-avabhâsita-digantasya himakara[""] kara-vimala-kula-paribhava-vilaya-hôtu-Pallavapati-parajay-anantara-parigrihita[1] Katchi-purasya prabhåva-ku*l@(li) sa-dalé(li)ta-Chola-Pandya (ndya)-Kerala-dharani(ni). dhara-tů (tra)ya-mÅna-mâna-ssimo ["') gasya an-anya-samavana[ta®]- Kanchipati-maņi-makata-kuta-kirana-salil-abhishikta-chara[") na-kamalasya tri-samudra-madhya-vartti-bhuvana-mandal-adhiśvarasya sûnuh pitu[") rajñaya Bali(18)ndusêk harasy=éva S ênâni(ni)r=Ddaitya-balam-ati-samuddhatam trairâjya-Pallava [*] tasya 1 These two letters, rabhi, are an unnecessary and un- and dyte, 1. 41, the vowel & is irregularly attached to the meaning repetition. top stroke of the ja, instead of to the centre stroke, in the . It is somewhat doubtful whether is intended, or le. I usual manner, as in muhárdi-adhiraja, II. 22-23. But, collating all the other passages in which this name • The upper part of the ka has not come out in the occurs, I find the rule to be that, when the vowel of the facsimile. "A few similar instances of imperfect letters, first syllable is o, then the vowel of the serond is e, and and of a failure of the Anusvåra to appear in the facsimile, when the vowel of the first syllable is u, then the vowel of will be found further on. the second is i or, in later times, a. In the facsimile, the top stroke of the fa has run up Here, and in 4japayati, 1. 23, and vijiapanaya, 1. 26, into the Anusvára, so as to read like kril, instead of brin.


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