Safávi: killed about or after 1760. His brother 1807, made prisoner and confined in the citadel of was Muhammad Khân,
KAbul 1816. Had one son, Malik Kasim, and a Zamân Khân's sons were: (1) Zu'lfikar Khen- daughter who poisoned herself rather than marry end uncertain. (2) Ahmad Khân, afterwards a Shiah, 1807. Ahmad Shah, became chief of the tribe; fol. (6) Abbas: Abdu'l Karim says he was remarklowed Nadir, founded the Durani empire on N&- able for courage, strength, and skill in the use of dir's death in 1747; died at Murgha, Toba hills, the sword. Strangled in prison in the citadel of Achakzai country, June 1773. He had eight | KÅbul, under Zamân Shah. sons:
(7) Shậpur, poisoned in the citadel of Kabul. (1) Timur Shah, succeeded 1773, died 20th These two princes were children of the daughter May 1793 at Kabul.
of Sharbat 'Ali Khan Jindawal, Kazalbagh, the (2) Suleiman made an abortive attempt to chief Sultâna of Timur. Abdu'lla Khân, styled secure the succession, and was imprisoned for life Ján Nisar Khan, governor of the citadel, paid imin the Bala Hissar or citadel of K&bul, where he proper, addresses to her in the time of Zaman died about 1796, leaving four sons.
Shah. Shkpur stabbed Jân Nisar to avenge his (3) Mahmud, (4) Gohar, (5) Humayun, all died mother's honour, and was murdered in consein confinement in the citadel of Kabul.
quence at the same time with her and Abbas. (6) Sikandar-strangled in the citadel of Kabul, (8) Jahîn WALA; (9) Ayub; (10) Hasan; (11) in consequence of a plot in his favour, 1779. Hamid; (12) Gohar; (13) Kaisar; (14) Akbar; (15) (Elphinstone, however, says he was spared.) Alamgir; (16) Ahmad; (17) Yakub; (18) Salim ;
(7) Darab-escaped from the Bala Hissar with (19) Fåghfar; (20) Jahân ; (21) Shah Rukh; (22) other confined princes about 1809, but afterwards Muhammad; 23) 'Usman; (24) 'Umar; (25) Kanreturned to Kábul of his own accord, and died var; (26) Rustam ; (27) Dary& Dil; (28) Kohan there before 1818.
Dil; (29) Rahmat; (30) Farukh; (31) Aurangzib; (8) Shahâb-was alive at Kabul in 1818. (32) SÅbir ; (33) Tipa; (34) Daráb; (35) Zakariâ ;
Timur Shah had 300 wives, all foreigners; (36) not named. Abdu'l Karim says that the 35 the seraglio was maintained on the revenues of survived their father. Jelâlâbâd, amounting to four lakhs of rupees per - Names of the Amirs murdered by Zaman Shah annum. He had thirty-six sons :
and his vazir, Rahmat ulla Khân Saduzai, in 1799, (1) Humayun, endeavoured to succeed his father, which massacre led to Zamân's downfall:defeated by his brother Shuja 1793, captured near (1) Payanda Khan Barakzai, father of Fateh Leia 1795, blinded and confined in the citadel of Khân, Dost Muhammad, and 20 others, and grandKábul. His son Ahmad was killed in battle 1793. father of Sher 'Alt Khân now reigning.
(2) Mahmud, assumed royalty in Herkt on (2) Hukumat Khan, governor of Balkh. his father's death in 1793; expelled by Shah (3) Rahim Dad Khân, (4) Kamar u'd-din Khân, Zamân 1797 ; returned and expelled Shah Zaman (5) Amir Arslan Khan, (6) J&far Khân, (7) Shakar 1800; expelled by Shah Shuj& 1803; escaped from Khân Jindawal. Kabul in the same year; returned and recon- (8) The son of Mir Hazar Khân 'Alikuzai, (9) quered the kingdom 1803-9; was still in power Muhammad A'zam Khân, (10) Zaman Khân, (11) 1818 (?) Had' one son, Kamran, who was in Zabad Beg 'Alfkuzai, (12) Rahim Khan Ndrzai, power in Heråt in 1841.
(13) Aḥmad Khan Panni. (3) Za mân, succeeded his father 1793; de throned and blinded 1800; was in Baghdad in 1817.
Mangit Dynasty of Bukhard. He had four sons,-Kaisar, murdered in prison by Khudayar Beg, Mangit Uzbak, claimed his cousin Kamrån 1800; Haidar, Mansur, and descent from Toktamish, who was defoated by Faghfar.
Timur Lang. Had two sons ;-(1) the father of - (4) Shuja, expelled and succeeded Mahmud I. Muhammad Rahim Bog, an officer 1803; expelled by him 1809; returned with the in the service of Nadir Shah, detached by him to English; defeated and murdered by his nephew
assist Abu'l Faiz Khan walad Subhân Kuli KhânSultan Jan 1841(P).*
a chief of the White Bone ruling as Nadir's tribu(5) Firoz u'd-din, turned out of Heråt 1797; tary in Bukhara-against Ibadu'lla Khân, an regained its defeated by the Persians at Chade Uzbak plunderer. On hearing of Nadir's death
» But see Vincent Eyre's account for this last event. Mukhtar u'd-daula; rebelled against him afterwards, and
• Abdu'l Karim contradicts himself about this, saying was killed in action. His son Atta Muhammad was vicein one place that Abbas was spared ; and in another that roy of Kasmir for Sheh Shuja after the death of Abdu'lla he was strangled, which is more likely.
Khan. He made himself practically independent, but was Shah Wali Khan B&rakzai was vazir to Shah Ahmad. eventually conquered by a joint invasion of Ranjit Sing and His son Sher Muhammad took a principal part in enthroning Fateh Khan, valad Payanda Khan Barakzai (his own Shah Shuja, and was vazir to him; is called by Elphinstone maternal uncle).
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