the first plate is given by Dr. Burnell at p. 88 of simile to which I can refer for purposes of combis South-Indian Palæography. I am inclined parison. But, out of the unpublished materials to think, en passant, that it was the R&sh- that I have on hand, the characters of this trak û ta kings who first introduced the use grant resemble most nearly the characters of two of this cycle into the Chaluk ya dominions. grants of the Chôļa successors of the East-7, Saka 411 is A.D. 489-90. Mr. Burgessern Chaluky a dynasty; one is a grant of informs me, as the result of calculation, that Raja raja II., dated Saka 944, and the other no lunar eclipse such as that spoken of occurred is a grant of Kulôttunga-Chôdad ê va in A.D. 489, 490, or 491.-8, The almost II., dated Saka 1056. Among all the inscripinvariable use of !, whenever it can be used in tions of the Western dynasty, I can find none the place of I, is quite opposed to ancient ortho- with the characters of which those of the pregraphy, and is in itself a strong indication of sent grant may suitably be compared.-In the modern composition of the inscription.- fine, I place the composition of this document And finally, 9, The characters, instead of belong. at certainly not earlier than the tenth cening to the fifth century A.D., are fully developed tury A.D. Old Canarese characters of at least the tenth or I have not succeeded in tracing on the map eleventh century A.D. I have no published fac- the localities referred to in the grant.
First plate. ['] Svasti || Jayanty=ananta-samsåra-pârâ vâr-aika-stavaḥ Mahavir-dha(rha)tah=pûtâś=charan
Ambuja-rônavah || Srimatûm visva-visvambhar-Abhisarstůyamâna-Mânavya-sagðtranám Hârîti[°] putranam sapta-!0(16)ka-mâtsibhis=sapta-matribhir-abhivarddhitanan Karttikêya
parirakshaņa-pra[*] pta-kalyana-paramparânâm b hagavan-Narayana-prasada-sama sådita-varaha-lâmchh[°] n-ékshaņa-kshaņa-vasikrit-aśêsha-mahîbhritânam( sc. bhritâm) Châļukyânâm kulam=
alamkarishnôh || sva-bhuj-ô. [°] pârjjita-vasundharasya nija-yasas-śravana-mâtrên=aiv=avanata-rajakasya kirtti-pata[') k-ôvabhasita-dig-antaraļasya Jayasimhasya râja-simhasya sûnus=sůnrita-va[] granavarata-dán-årdrikrita-karas=sura-gaja iva praśama-nidhistapô-nidhir=iva dri[°] pta-vairisha prapta-rana-rågô Ranarågô bhavat [ll] Tasya ch=âtmajê śvamêdhat
äva(sc. 'mêdh-åva)bhrita(tha)-snâna-pavi[W] trikrita-gâtre pranata-para-nripati-makuta-tata-ghatita-hatan-mani-gaņa-kiraņa-var-ddha[] rå-dhauta-châru-charana-kamala-yugalê Chitrakanth-abhidhana-turamgama-kanthiravêņ=
otsari["] t-ârâti-stambhêrama-mandaļé varņn-aśrama-sarvva-dharmma-paripå lana-parê Gamgå
Sêtu-madhya[1] vartti-des-adhiśvarê sakti-traya-pravarddhita-prajya-sâmrajyê Gamgå-Yamuna
påļiSecond plate ; first side. ["] dhvaja-dadakk-di-pamcha-mahasabda-chihnê karadikrita-Chô!a-Chêra-Kerala-Simbala
Kalim[*] ga-bhupaļ8 daņdita-Påndy-adi-mandi(nda)like a-pratiślsano Satyasraya-Sri
Pulakèsy-a[] bhidhâna-pțithivivallabha-maharaj-adhirajê prithivim=ek-atapatram
sati [ll] Raja Rundra[""] nila-Saindraka-vamsa-sasamkâyamânah=prachanda-dôr-ddaņda-maņaita-mandal-agrô Gonda[""] sit [IJ Aya-naya-vinaya-sampannastanayo sya sa (sa)mara-rasa-rasikas=
Sivâr-akhyaya ["] kbyâtah [ll] Putrô sya bhůta (tó) dhatri-tilakayamanah-paråkram-Akrânta-vairi