Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 07
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 51
________________ FEBRUARY, 1878.] SANSKRIT AND OLD CANARESE INSCRIPTIONS. 35 that may be broken and performing the family of the Kada mbas, and who was worship of the temple of the holy Arhat, fond of war. This land was given to the who points out that which is beneficial to the Jain a' by Dê va varmâ, the bravest of inhabitants of the three worlds, and who propa- mankind, who desired his meritorious acts and gates religion. virtues to be purified by tasting the happiness He, who confiscates this (grant), incurs the of the nectar of compassion. guilt of the five great sins; he, who preserves Victorious is the Arhat, the lord of the it, enjoys the reward of a meritorious act! three worlds, the worker of the welfare of all And it has been said :-Land has been enjoyed people, the destroyer of passion and other by many kings, from Sagara downwards; (mental) enemies, the eternal one, the lord he, who for the time being possesses land, who knows eternal knowledge! enjoys the fruits of it! That (grant) which is No. XXXVI. bestowed with libations of water, and that This grant is on three plates, about 5.2 which is enjoyed by three (generations), and long by 2.3 broad. The ring connecting the that which is preserved by good people,-these plates is about 03 thick, and is almost a circle are not resumed ; and, also, (grants) that have 2.3 in diameter. The seal is oval,-1".5 by been made by former kings! It is very easy! 0":9; whatever device or writing may have to bestow one's own property, (but) the preser- been on it is now illegible. The characters are vation of the property of others is difficult; small and neatly cut, and are for the most part (if the question is) whether giving or preserving very well preserved. (is the more commendable act),-preservation is The plates record a grant by Mpigê sabetter than giving ! He is tormented in hell for varavarma, the son of Såntivarathe duration of sixty thousand years, who con- varma, in the third year of his reign, which fiscates land that has been given, whether by was the Paush a year. This Msigê sahimself or by another! varavarma is undoubtedly the same person Land was given at Triparvata by as Mrige sa, the grandson of K Akust haDéva, who was the son of the king Sri. varma, who bestowed the grant recorded in Krishna, and who was the glory of the No. XXI. of this series. Transcription. First plate: [?] Siddham Jayaty-Arhams-trilók-êsah sarvva-bhůta-hitê ratah råg-ady-ari-haro ['] nantô nanta-jñana-drig=iśvarah || Svasti Vijaya-Vaija(ya"]ntya[m ] Svâmi-Mahâsêna[!] mâtri-gan-anuddhya(dbyâ) t-abhishiktân âm Mânavya-sagôtråņam Hariti-patrânâm [o] Aangirasám pratik rita-sväddhya (dhya)ya-charchchakanâ[m"] sad-dharmina-sad-amba nâ (nâm) Kadambanam aneka-janmântar-6[°] párjjita-vipula-punya-skandhaḥ Åhav-årjjita-parama-ruchira-drida (dha)-satvah visuddh AnvayaSecond plate; first side. [°] praksity-aneka-purusha-para(ram)para-gatê jagat-pradipa-bhûtê mahaty=''dit-ôditê Kiku['] sthânvayê Sri-Sântivaravarmma-tanayah Sri-Mpigêśavaravarmma åtmanah rajyasya [ ] tritîyê varshê Paush samvatsarê Karttika-masa-bahula-pakshe daśamyam [] tithau Uttarabhadrapadê nakshatrê brihat-Paralûrê tridaśa-pati-makuta-paripri(ghri)shţa[o] chåru-charaņēbhyah param-Arhad dôvôbhyah samarjjan-Opalepan-Abhyarchchana-bhagna samskårasubstance of that greatness during the four months of the much the same as khanda-sphufita-jim-ddhara of other rainy season. Yapanfya, as the name of a sect, is not ex. inscriptions. 15 se. the Arhat. plained in Monier Williams' Dictionary. Mr. K. T. Télang 1. See the remarks at vol. VI., p. 226, and p. 244, note I. suggests that it may mean those who are to go away, 6.e. 15 This letter,m,seems to have been omitted in the mendicants who are going about and not stationary. The original, and the place left blank in which it should have Canarese Translator takes it as equivalent to Kshapanaka, been written. *a Jain mendicant, who wears no garments'; but this 10 This letter, m,-is followed in the original by the would only give it the same meaning as Nirgrantha, where- letter na. This last is superfluous and unmeaning, and aa, from the two terms being both used in No. XXI, 1. 9, seems to have been partially erased after baving been they must have distinct and separate meanings. engraved. 17 The same remark as note 15 above. Bhagwa-sarhskara, here and in No. XXXVI., 1. 10, 1 The vowel, -,--is faintly discernible in the original, and bhagna-kriya, in No. XXXVII., 1. 24, seem to mean but does not come out well in the facsimile.


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