Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 07
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 141
________________ APRII, 1878.] SANSKRIT AND OLD CANARESE INSCRIPTIONS. 109 the stones,' in front of the tank called) Kosi. On the east of this, there is the road of Valtaţå ka. At the north-west corner of that, labharaja. On the west of this, there is there is the littering place for elephants. On the stone of the Kinnara', in the large the west of that, there is a dark-blue stone, on stream that flows to the north. On the south the north of the depression in the ground of this, there is the field of Andha kara. which is close in front of the tank of the On the west of this, there is the field called) sacred fig-tree.' On the north of that, there Désa grâma kata-ks hêtra, which has is the road to the village of Nagapura. been already specified. On the north-west of On the south of that, there is the field of this, the boundary joins at the red stone near the house of Maliga'm ártan da. On the the three sa mi trees. Thus there were given) north-east of that, there is a slightly blue- one hundred and forty nivartanas in the westblack stone. Again on the west of that, there ern quarter. is the north outlet for water of the tank of On the east of the San kh a vasati, (thera Krishna. On the north of that, there is the was given) a flower-garden measuring one nivarstream that joins the tank of Nilikara. On tana ; and on the west, a flower-garden measurthe north of that, there is a Sami tree, beside ing two nivartanas. a red stone which is in the north-west quarter The measure of the city of that same Chaitya at the distance of one nivartana. Coming to hall is declared :-On the east, the west wall of the east from that, and going to the east on the the enclosure of the temple of the god) B & !anorth side of the road to the village of Nâga-besvara. On the south-east, the boundary of pura from the (above) mentioned red stone, the temple of the god Charma kara.?! On the and turning towards the north, on the west, west of that, on the south of the boundary of at the distance of one nivartana, there is a the enclosure of the harlots, there is the temple dark-blue stone in the north-east quarter. On called) Sri Mukkara vasa ti, in front of the south of that, there is a slightly blue-black the flower-garden and the city, of the Chaity. stone in a clump of Samitrees and Kanthari of Angaja (?). On the west of this, trees. On the west of that, the boundary joins at there is the back of the temple of the goddess) the two stones first mentioned and specified. Marudê vi, including two temples lying in Having included six nivartanas (of land) lying the west quarter, as far as the ornamental in front of the lake of Krishna, one hundred gateway. On the north of that, there is the and sixty nivartanas were excellently laid out temple of the goddess) Chandrik ambika. (and thus given) On the east of that, having entered the (temple The boundaries are recorded, as follows, of a called) Mukkara vasati, there is the south plot of ground on the west of that same city:- wall of the enclosure of the temple called) On the north-west of the field called) Desa Ra ya râ chamall a-vasati. On the east gráma k û ta-ks hôtra, there is a red stone of that, there is the south wall of the temple near three Sam i trees. On the north-west of called) Sri-Vijay a vasati. On the norththat, there is one Sam i tree. On the east of east, there is the temple of the god) Karmatesthat, at the distance of one danda", there is a vara. On the south of that, there is the prered stone. On the south-east of that, there is viously mentioned west boundary of the temple a large clump of Sam i trees and Kanthari of the god) B ala bê svara. trees. On the south of that, there are the On the west of the city of the god, there was southern outlet of water of the tank of the given a field measuring one nivartana and inmerchant' and the road of Vallabharaja. cluding two flower-gardens. The boundaries On the east of these, there is a clump of Kan- of it are specified :-One nivartana of flowerthâri trees, and the road to the village of garden, on the east of the Parava lake, and Sa vasi. On the sonth of these, there is a on the north of the road to the village of clump of Sami trees and Kanthâri trees. Tapas i; (and) a betel-nut plantation of one On the north-west of the north of this, there is nivartana, on the north of the flower-garden of the land of Jy @sh thalinga. On the the Chaitya hall of Ganga-Permadi. south-west of this, there is a dark-blue stone. Thus (there were given), for the enjoyment of 30 Lit's staff"; - 4 hastas, or cubits; = 96 finger-breadths. 1 Or of the god of the workers in leather.


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