Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 07
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 139
________________ APRIL, 1878.) SANSKRIT AND OLD CANARESE INSCRIPTIONS. 107 [0]d-Ambujasya Vikramaditya-Satyasraya-sri-prithvivallabha-maharaj-adhiraja-paranêśvarasya priya-sûnuh(nôh) sakal-ôttarâpatha-natha-mathan-ôpárjjita-pâli[] dhvaj-adi-samasta-pâramaiśvaryya-chihnasya Vinayâditya-Satyáśraya-sri-prithvivallabha mahârâj-adhiraja-paramèśvara-paramabhattarakasya priy-ktmajah sâ["] hasa-rasa-rasikah parkimukhikrita-satru-mandalas=saka!a-på ramaišvaryya-vyakti-hêta-pâļi dhvajady-ujva(ijva)la-rajya-chihnð Vijayadi. [") tya-Satyasraya-sri-prithvivallabha-maharaj-adhiraja(jah) [ll] [Tat)-priya-sanob pratidine pravarddhamana-ya(yau)vano(nasya) ripu-mamdal-Åkranti-rajy-abhyudayah (yasya) ["] kastüri-kiáðra-vikram-aika-rasô(sasya) Vikramaditya-Satyåśraya-bri-prithvivallabha-mahåráj Adhiraja-paramosvara-bhattarakasya vijaya-skandhåvard Raktapuram-adhivasa[") ti shat-pamchâsad-uttara-shat-chhatëshu Saka-varsheshv=atîtêshu' pravarddhamâna-vijaya rajya-samvatsarê dvitiyê varttamânê Mágha-paurņnamasyam Málasamgh-inva[**] ya-Devagan-ôditah(tîya) parama-tapa(palı)-śruta-mûrtti-vibê(66)ka-Ramadêrâcháryyao. sishyô(shyâya) vijita-vipaksba vådi-Jayadêva-pamdit-antêvasi(sine) samupagat-aikava[*] ditv-adi Sri-Vijayadôva-padit-acharyyaya Jina-pûj. abhivsiddhy-arttham BAhubali-śrêshthi vijñâpanêna Pulikara-nagarasya Samkha-Tirttha-vasatêr=mmandana-mamditam ["] tasya dhavala-Jinalayasya jirnn-ôddharaṇam kritvå khanda-sphuțita-nava-saṁskâra-bali nimittam dana-sal-adi-pravarttan-arttham nagaråd=uttarasyam disi gavyûti-prami[*] na-vyavasthitam Karppati-tata kadedakshiņasyam dişi râja-mânêna sat-årddha-nivarttana pramâna-kshetram sarvva-badha-pariharam dattam [*] Tasya sima samakhyâyatê (1) "11 Pârvva-disi tat-sadbita-Kinnara-påshånadedakshiņasyâm=isayam dhavala-påshåņa-parśva Samyah | paschimasyâm diśi śvêta-påshåņád=&ka-sami uttarasyân [""] disi inila-påshåņât=pråk-prakasita-tatakát=půrvvasyam dißi aruņa-pishaņåt=púryv-okta vyakta-Kimnara-påshåņa-samgatâ sima || ["] Svam dâtum su-mahach-chhakyam duḥkham-anyasya pålanam dâuât=pålanâch-ch=êti" dânâch=ch hrôyô nupâlanam | Na visham visham=ity=ahuh de[50) va-svam visham-uchyatë visham-ekâkinam hamti dôva-svam putra-pantrikam | Sva-dattan para-dattâm và yô [?] harêta vasundharam shashti-varsha-sahasråņi vishthayam jậyatê krimiḥ 11 ["] Prathyatâm Jina-sasanam Ell* Translation. ornaments which were the wounds sustained in First Part, Lines 1 to 51. May the scripture massacring the forces of his pitiless enemies; of the lord of the three worlds,-the scripture belonging to the lineage of the Kan va yaof Jina, which has for its efficacious charac- nas; (such was) the glorious Kolgaại. teristic the glorious and supreme and profound varmâ, the pious Great King, the supreme science of the assertion of possibilities,-be king, the supreme lord, whose first name was victorious! Sri Madhava. Hail ! Victory has been achieved by the holy His son (wus) the glorious Madhava, the one, Padmanabha," who resembles (in the Great King, the supreme king, who was poscolour of his body) the sky when the clouds have sessed of virtuous qualities that imitated (those left it! of) his father; whose conduct was regulated A sun to irradiate the clear sky which is the by knowledge and modesty; who attained the glorious family of Jahnava", possessed of objects of sovereignty only by properly govern(a reputation for) strength and prowess acquired ing his subjects; who was a very touchstone by cleaving asunder a great pillar of stone by for testing) the gold which was learned men a single stroke of his sword; decorated with and poets; who was skilled among those who • Here, again, for some reason or other, the words shat- pilj-abhiuridhyarthanh &c., as in 1. 74, and omits all the parchasad-uttara-shat-chhatisha saka-varsheshratite. intervening matter. shu are omitted in the MS. copy, a blank space being left 11 sc., danas od pålanan ch=&ti. as if they were illegible or doubtful, and pravartamdnd Vijaya-sain vatsare is read instead of pravarddhamana 13 The name of an Arhat, -also of Vishpu. vijaya-rajya-sathutsare. But in the tracing every letter! cing every letter! Visvamitra. of the whole passage is perfectly legible. ** The descendants of Kapus, who was the son of Ghora 30 The MS. copy reads Ramadev.dcharyydyd (sie) Jina and belonged to the family of Angiras.


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