Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 07
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 52
________________ 36 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (FEBRUARY, 1878. Second plate ; second side. [") mahim-årttham gråm-apara-dig-vibhaga-sîm-Abhyantarê râja-mânêna chatvarimsan-nivart tanam krishna-bhumi[") kshêtram chatvari" kshetra-nivarttanamcha chaityâlayasya bahih ekaṁ nivarttana pupp(shp)-arttham [187 dêva-kulasy-angana-cha @karn ivarttanam=ôva sarvva-parihara-yuktar dattavan [") maharajah [ll*] Lobhád=adharmmad-vå yâ(y) sy=&bhibarttá sa paricha-mahapataka samyuktô bhavati ["] yô sy-abhirakshità sa tat-punya-phala-bhag=bhavati [ll*) Uktañ=cha [1] Bahubhir= vvasudha bhukta Third plate. [*] râjabhis=Sagar-adibhiḥ yasya yasya yada bhůmiḥ tasya tasya tadâ phala[m] [11] Sva dattam para-(da)ttam(ttam) và ["'] yo harêta vasundharâ(râm) shashțim varsha-sahasrâņi narakê pachyatê tu sah (11*] Adbhir ddattam tribhir=bhuktam [18] sadbhis-cha paripálitan êtîni na nivarttanto púrvva-raja-kritâni cha [ll] Svan=dátum [") su-mahach-chhakyam dulkhan-any-arttha-på lanam dânam và pâlanam v=eti danach=chhrêy8 nopålana[m] [11] [ ] Parama-dharmmikêna Dâmakîrtti-bhôjakếna likhit-êyam pattika [l*] Iti siddhir-astu [ll} Translation. I pad a constellation, at the village of the greater It is accomplished ! Victorious is the Arhat, Paralúra, gave to the divine supreme the lord of the three worlds, who delights in Arhats, whose beautiful feet are rubbed by the welfare of all people, the destroyer of pas- the tiara of the lord of the gods (who bows down sion and other mental) enemies, the eternal to perform obeisance to them), for the purposes one, the lord who knows eternal knowledge of the glory of sweeping out the temple) and Hail! At the victorious (city of) Vaiju- anointing the idol with ghee) and performing yanti", Sri Mrigo śavara varma---who worship and repairing anything that may be was the Great King of the Kadambas, who broken, a black-soil field, (of the measure of) are consecrated by having meditated on the forty nivartanas by the royal measure, within mothers of Sv á mi- M h a sê na, who are of the boundaries of the western division of the the lineage of Manavya, who are the de- village,--and a field of the measure of four scendants of Hariti, who are of the sons of nivartanas", -and (a field of the measure of one Angiras, who have adopted the system of nivartana outside the chaitya-hall, for the purpose private study and inquiry, and who are as good of decorating the idol with) flowers,--and the fathers to the true religion ; who acquired a courtyard of the temple, (measuring) one nivargreat quantity of religious merit in many other tana,-entirely free from taxation. (previous) births; who achieved brilliant and | He, who confiscates this (grant) through greed steadfast courage in battle; and who was the or impiety, incars the guilt of the five great son of Sri-S antivara var mâ, in the family sins; he, who preserves it, enjoys the reward of Kakustha, which has been continued by of that same meritorious act! And it has a succession of many men according to the been said :-Land has been enjoyed by many nature of a pure lineage, and which has be- kings, from Sagara downwards ; T&c.)! Ha come the lamp of the world, and is great, and is tormented in hell for the duration of sixty has risen higher and higher, --in the third year thousand years, &c.)! That (grant) which of his reign, in the Paush a year, on the tenth is bestowed with libations of water, (&c.)! It lunar day in the dark fortnight of the month is very easy to bestow one's own property, Karttika, under the Uttar Abhadra-(&c.)! 10 Probably what is intended is chatur-anivarttanaris kshetrari cha. 9) This word is followed by a mark, which resembles the letter ta, but the meaning of which is not obvions. It may have been engraved by mistake for the letter de, the first sed by mistake for the letter ds the first of the following word, which was then repeated, and formed correctly, in the next line. 91 Vanavdi; the modern Banawasi. Maharajah has to be brought back to this place from 1. 14, in order to govern the genitive case Kadarband. * See note 19 to the transcription.


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