Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 07
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 104
________________ 76 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH, 1878. No. XIII.-THE GRANT OF KHARAGRAHA II. the first notice of the famous Någara Brâhmans, The size of the plates is 15 to 15.5 inches by the most distinguished and influential caste 12. Both are broader at the end where the which Gujarat contains. rings were fixed than at the other. The rings The object granted is (Pl. II. 11. 15-16) the and the seal are missing. The plates are, on the village of Pangalapalli ka, situated in whole, well preserved, a few spots only being the district (bhúmi) called Gh rita la y a, and defaced by verdigris. The letters resemble in the zillâ of Siva bhagapura. those of the published plates of Silâditya II. The purpose for which the village is given and Silâditya III. With the exception of the is the usual one, viz. the performance of last lines of plate II., they are clearly incised sacrifices. and distinct. Clerical errors are numerous. The officials named in the grant are the The grant is dated from a camp of victory' dútaka, Pramåtri-Srînâ, and the Divân, Sri situated at Paliņdaka, or perhaps Alin. | mad-An a hila, the son of Divån Skandada ka. bhata. The former appears to be a female, The varnsávali offers nothing new. But the like the rajaduhitri-bhúpå of Dharasena's grant. grant is important, as it is the first document But I do not know what to make of the epithet issued by Kharagraha II. which has been pramátri, which seems to be composed of pra found. Its date, Samvat 337, if taken together + matri, 'mother,' and not to be derived from with that of the preceding grant of Dhara- pramd,to judge rightly.' Professor Bhandarkar sena IV., Samvat 330, and with those of (Jour. Bo.Br. R. As. Soc. vol. X. p. 71) gives the Dhruvasena III., Samvat 332, and of name of the Divån, which occurs again on the siladitya II., Samvat 348, shows that plates of Siladitya II. (Samyat 348), as Madathe reigns of the two sons of Dera bhata nahala. That would be a highly indecent were of short duration. name. In favour of my reading, SrimadThe grantee is (PI. II. II. 14-15) a Rigvedi Anahila, the illustrious Anahila' instead of Brahmaņ of the Sarkarákshi gotra,--Nårå. Sri Madanahila), it may be urged that Aņayaņa, son of Kesava, a native of Anand - hila, or Ana hilla, is known to have been a pura, who settled in Khetaka. He is also Gujarati name borne by the shepherd who called Anandapura cháturvidya, 'a Chaturvedi showed Vang raja the site of Anhalof Anandapura.". This is of some interest, Vâ d a-Pathan, and that it occurs among the because, if this Anandapura is the same as Rajputs : see, e.g., Tod, Annals, vol. I. p. 708 ; Vadnagar (vulgo Barnagar), we have here Mad. ed. p. 607. TRANSCRIPT. Plate 1. [1] ओं स्वस्ति विजयस्कन्धावारात् पूलेण्डकवासकात्प्रसभप्रणतामित्राणां मैत्रकाणामतुलबलसंपन्न ACCETTHHOTERETA] ogar[*] पात्प्रतापोपनतदानमानार्जवोपाजितानुरागादनुरक्तमौलभृतश्रेणीबलावाप्तराज्यश्रिय परममाहेश्व Feftutaicourist (ra). [3] मातापितृचरणारविन्दप्रणतिप्रविधौताशेषकल्मषः शैशवात्प्रभृति खड्द्वितीयबाहुरेव समदपरगजघटा स्फोटनप्रकाशितशत्वनिकषस्तत्प्र[*] भावप्रणतारातिचूडारत्नप्रभासंसक्तपादनखरश्मिसंहति सकलस्मृतिप्रणीतमार्गसम्यकपरिपालनप्रजा हृदयरजना न्वर्थराजशब्दो रूपकान्तिस्थैर्यगाम्भी["] Mबुद्धिसंपद्धि स्मर [शशाङ्कादिराजोदधितृदशगुरुधनेशानतिशयानः शरणागताभयप्रदानपरतया तुणवदपास्लाशेष स्व कार्यफल प्रार्थनाधिकार्त्यप्रदा[ना]*6 Compare also above, p. 78, note 20. fora:. L. , read paramet. L. 4, read #ef:. * L. 1, for 03 may be read arugh. L. 2, read L. 6, read ;- ;-976:


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