MARCH, 1878.]
I am at present inclined to believe that this village of Mahila bali, situated in the taluka view is the correct one. But, as the question (pathaka) of Uppaia heta (Upletâ ?) and in is by no means simple, and as a number of the zilla (ahara) of Sri Khetaka. The purother points have also to be considered, I do pose for which the grant was made is the usual not wish to do more, for the present, than to one. point out that the occurrence of the name __ The passage regarding the officials (Pl. II. Dhrabhata or Dhruvabhata on our | 11. 36-37) is, unfortunately, not quite in order. grant requires the consideration of those who wish I think those mentioned are to settle the beginning of the era of the plates. | 1. The dataka : the grand chamberlain (maha.
The date, Samvat 447, Jyeshtha, buddha 5, pratihára) the illustrious Detaha. or fifth day of the bright half of Jyeshtha, 447, 2. The akshapatalika, or keeper of the records. is given both in words and in ciphers, and is Daftardâr : Rájakula, the illustrious Siddhatherefore indisputable. It settles definitively natha, son of the illustrious Sarvata. the question regarding the value of the Valabhi 3. The writer: Amâtya, i.e. councillor Guha, sign U, and proves the correctness of Pandit son of Hom bata. Bhagvanlal's and General Cunningham's ex- The name of the 'grand chamberlain' is planation, who maintained that it stands for a curious one, and I do not consider the reading "forty.' This date corroborates also my reading | to be certain. of the figures on the Luņå và da plates The word akshapatalika does not occur on issued by Stladityav. as Samvat 441. | any of the known Valabhi grants, but it is com
The grantee is (Pl. II. 1. 25-26) Bhatta mon on those of the Chanlukyas of Anhilvad." Akhandalamitra, son of Bhatta Vishnu, The word Rájakula, which is placed before the a Rigvedi of the Sárkardkshi gotra, a native of name of the Daftardâr, is a title which like'famous Anandapura, and a Chatur- wise occurs or the Chaulukya plates.s It is vedi of that town.
probably the Sanskrit form of the modern Raul The object granted is (P1. II. 11. 26-27) the or Rával.
Plate I. [१] ओं स्वस्ति श्रीमदानन्दपुरसमावासितजयस्कन्धावारात्प्रसभप्रणता[मित्राणां मैत्रकाणामतु]लबलसं
पत्रमण्डला भोगसंप्रहारशत लब्धप्रतापा]["] प्रतापोपनतदानमानार्जवोपार्जितानुरागादनुरक्तमौलभृतश्रेणीबलावाप्त राज्यश्रियः परममाहेश्वर
श्रीमाटाळदव्यवच्छिन्नवंशान्मा[१] तापितचरणारविन्दप्रणतिप्रविविक्ताशेषकल्मषः शैशवात्प्रभृति ख इद्वितीयबाहुरेव समदपरगजघ
टास्फोटन[प्रकाशितसल]निकषः तत्प्र[] भावप्रणतारातिचूडारनप्रभाससक्तपादनखरश्मिसंहतिः सकलस्मृतिप्रणीतमार्ग[सम्यक्रियापालनप्रजा
हृदयरंजना न्वर्थराजशब्दो रूपका[२] न्तिस्यैर्म्यगाम्भीर्य्यबुद्धिसंपद्धिः स्मरशशाङ्कादिराजोदधितृदशगुरुधने शानतिशयानः शरणागताभय
प्रदानःपरतया तृणवद्वपास्ताशेषस्व वीर्य[°] फलः प्राय॑नाधिकार्त्यप्रदानानान्दतविद्वत्सुहृत्प्रणयिहृदय पादचारीव सकलभुवनमण्डलाभोगप्रमोद
परम["] माहेश्वरः श्रीगुहसेनः तस्य सुतः तत्पादनखसंतानविसृजजाबीजलौघप्रक्षालिताशेषकल्मषः प्रण
_ यिशतस30 Regarding the Anandapurm Chaturvedta see above. I 0 .4, read चूडारत्न,-संसक्त. L.b, rend ादिः37 See " Eleven Land Granta," &o. Ind. Ant. vol. VI. pp. 194et seqq.
विदश प्रदानप; तृणवदपा'. L.s, road हृदया-प्रमोदः, "See loc.cit. p.206.
L.7, rond नखमयूखसं विधत.