Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 07
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 90
________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH, 1878. ["] महापातकैस्सोपपातकैस्संयुक्तस्स्यादपि चात्र श्लोका भवन्ति यानीह दारिद्रभयानरेन्द्र र्धिनानि [१] [धर्मायतनीकृतानि निर्माल्यवान्तप्रतिमानि तानि को नाम साधु पुनराददीत विन्ध्याट वीष्व][15] (arra) Carret: UTEUTRE 574 goals T ll (Fİ TERİ) [14] (a atja aarti sai TTHCETE Engu atafa Paragrafa il qatilT --- [15] ------- galacgfheara 116 [1] (FEET) 44 HETTI STUETTII 380 Ft --- No. X.-A Grant of DHARASENA II. the village of Sûrya dâ sa, and two more fields in the villages of Jotipad raka and This grant of Dharagena II. is written Lesu'da ka. on two plates, each 12.5 inches by 8.5. The As regards the geographical position of these right-hand ring, which bears the seal with the villages, as well as of those in the other grants usual device and inscription, is in its proper now published, a separate article will be pubplace. The characters resemble those of the lished later, when the results of inquiries in grant of Dharasena, published below. Kåthiávåd have been received. The plates are well preserved, and at present The measurements of the fields are given in free from verdigris. But it is evident that they feet, páda, just as in the grant of Dharasena have been cleaned by the finder. IV., published in Ind. Ant. vol. I. p. 16. The The execution is extremely bad and slovenly. khattakhattádtatithita (Pl. II. 1. 7) is new and No distinction is made between i and i, u often unintelligible to me. stands for , a d standing before dh is not The grantees are two Brâhmans, D û sa and marked, and visarga, anunásika, and i are fre- Shashthi (PI. II. 1. 9), belonging to the Sân. quently left out or misplaced. Besides, there dilya gotra, and students of the Chhandogaare other numerous mistakes in the spelling, Kauthuma súkcha, .e. of the Kauthuma school and some little lacunc. In their incorrectness of the Samadeva, which at the present day is our plates resemble those of Siladitya V. not unknown in Gujarat. Shashti occurs published in Ind. Ant. vol. VI. p. 16. The as a Brahmaņical name in Kasmirian works. Sanskrit of the grant is not quite correct. The Duša is not a Sanskrit word; possibly it may oncertainty in regard to the gender of many l be a Debi nickname. words, and the frequent substitution of or Two sets of officials are mentioned in the list for sha, show that the writer was more ac- (Pl. II. I. 4), vartmapálas and pratisarakas, customed to Prakrit than to Sanskrit. who do not occur in the other grants. VartmaThe vamádvali teaches nothing new. But pála means literally "a protector of the road, the date-Vaisakha, badi 15, of Samovat 252-is and probably denotes a watchman who is historically interesting. For the last known stationed on the road to prevent robberies. At grant of Dharasena's father, Guha- present, too, the highroads in Kathiâvad and se na, is dated Samvat 248,' and the interval Rajputânâ are guarded by such men, whose huts during which the death of the latter and the are placed at intervals of two or three kos. former's accession to the throne must have Pratisaraka means 'watchman' in general, and taken place is thus reduced to four years. seems to be used here to designate the night The objects granted are a field and a well in watchmen attached to the villages. TRANSCRIPT. Plate I. ["] ओं स्वस्ति वलभीत प्रसभ प्रणातामित्राणा मैत्रकाणामतुल]बलसंपन्नमण्डलाभोगसंसक्तसप्रहारशत. लब्धप्रतापःप्र • L. 16, fast indistinct. "Ind. Ant. vol. V. p. 207. L. 1, the plates show no distinction between short and long i. Read Toma t : ÉTER


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