Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 07
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 81
________________ MARCH, 1878.] THE UMETÀ GRANT OF DADDA II. 63 Dadda II. reigned at least until Saka samvat 417. Madhava's name on our plate is a strong proof I have not the slightest doubt that the Saka in favour of its genuineness. era meant here is, as Professor Bhandarkar has In conclusion I will repeat what I have alfirst shown, the era beginning in 78-9 A.D., | ready stated in a note to the article on Jaya. and that the Umeta plate is just 1400 years | bhata's Kavi plate,° viz. that the Umeta shold. sana possesses great interest, because it is the The grantee was a native of Kanyaku bja original according to which a Valabh i grant or Kinoj, a Bahvricha, i.e. Rigvedi, Bhatta attributed to Dharasena II. has been manuMadhava, son of Bhatta Mahidhara, who was factured. This forgery belongs to the Bombay conversant with all the four Vedas. The village Branch Royal Asiatic Society, and was first of Niguda was granted to him for the pur noticed by Dr. Bhâû Dâji. I have only once pose of defraying the expenses of an Agnihotra | been able to get hold of it, for a few minutes, and other sacrificial rites. It is a matter of But the first glance satisfied me that it is almost great regret that, in spite of numerous inquiries an exact copy of the Umetâ grant, in which nomade in Central and Northern Gujarat, it has thing but the kings' names seemed to have been been hitherto impossible to identify the Bhakti altered. The characters even are Garjara, not and the villages mentioned in the grant. I Valabhi letters. As this forgery is probably suspect that they were situated in the Gaikvadi ancient, it may assist in settling the initial date districts. Of some importance is the name of of the era of the Valabhî plates. For it may the official Mâdhavabhatta, who wrote the be presumed that the forger chose the name grant, as the writer of the Ilâo grant was Reva, of a king whose times were not too far distant the son of Madhava. The occurrence of from those of the real donor. Plate 1. ['] ओ स्वस्ति विजयविक्षेपात् भरुकच्छप्रद्वारावसकत् सकलघनपटलविनिर्गतरज-" [4] निकरकरावबोधितकुमुदधवलयशप्रतापस्थगितनभोमंडलोनेकसमरसंकटप्रमु[] खगतनिहतशत्रुसमंतकुलावधुप्रभातशमयरुदितफलोद्रीयमानविमलनिस्तूंशप्रतापो [*] वद्विजातिगुरुचरणकमलप्रणमोशष्टवबामणिकोटिरुचिरादिधितिविराजितमकुटो[] द्वासितशिराः दिनानाथातुरभ्यागतार्थिजनसिष्टपरिपूरितविभवमनोरथोपचीयमानतृ[१] विष्टपैकसहायधर्मसंचयः प्रणयपरिकुपितमानिनीजनप्रणामपुमधुरावचनोपपा['] दितप्रसादप्रकाशिकृतविदग्धनगरकस्वभावो विमलगुणपंजरक्षिप्तबहलकलितिमिरनिचय श्री[१] महदस्तस्य सूनु समदप्रतिद्वंद्विगजगटाभेदिनिस्तृशविक्रमप्रकटितमृगपतिकिसोरविर्य[१] बलेपः पयोनिधीकृतउभयतटप्ररुढधनलेवविहृतनिरंकुशदानप्रवाहप्रवृतदिग्द[१] न्तिविभ्रमगुणसमुहः स्फटिककर्पुरपिण्डपण्डुरयशश्चन्दनचञ्चितासमुन्नतगगनलक्ष्मीप["] योधरोसंगः श्रीजयभडस्तस्यत्मज प्रतिहतसकलजगद्वयापिदोषाधिकारविविभितसं. ["] ततातमोवृत्विरधिकगुरुस्नेहसंपत्कविमलदिशोद्भासितजिवलोकः परमबोधसमनुगतो [विपुलगुर्जरनुपान्मयप्रदीपतोमुपगतः समधिगतपंचमहाशब्दमहाराजाधिराजश्रीमहहः • Ind. Ant. rol. V. p. 110. सून, घटा निस्त्रिंश किशोरवीर्या - L.9, rend कृतोभय - 10 Jour. Bo. Br. R. As. Soc. vol. VIII. p. 244. VL. 1, rend ओं वासकात्. The used here is the cur प्ररूढा -वनलेख nccording to Prof. Bhandarkar's correcrent-hand letter : 100 remarks below. L.2, road यशःप्र. L.a, tion)-प्रवृत्त according to the same. L. 10, read समूह : read प्रमुखा-सामंतकुलवधू--समय:-निस्त्रिंश'. L.. कर्पूर-पाण्डुर. L. 11, read रोत्संग -जयभट स्याread प्रणामी बजी-रुचिरदीधि- मुकटां. L.b, read त्मज : विज़म्भित . L. 12, rend 'तत-वृत्तिर', according to दाना-तुराभ्याग'-शिष्ट, त्रिविष्टपै. L. 6, read पूर्वमधुरव- Prof. Bhandarkar's correction जीव. L. 18, road नपान्वयचनी . L.7, rend प्रकाशीकृत नागरक', 'निचय..L.8, read | प्रदीपतामु.


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