Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 112
________________ 74. [19] [लयो [20] हरेत्स वनीयश्य वर्द्धनीयश्व [21] वाणि [22] उक्तञ्च [5] राजभिस्तगरादिभिः नरकं भगवता [MARCH, 1877. [1] यो बाज्ञानादजरममरे वात्मानं मन्यमानो पपचमहापातकसंयुक्तः बहूनि कल्पसह [24] तदा फलं [25] मतां श्रेष्ठं (ष्ठ) [20] मोदति भूमिदः [27] वासु [28] यन्ते भूमिदानं [29] मर्त्ययशस्कराणि [30] धुपुनराददीतः (त) THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. वसति [] प पालयति तान्येव वेदव्यासेन व्यासेन [1] यस्य यस्य Third plate. [11] [1] सदat परद वा यत्नाद्रक्ष दानाच्छ्रेयो नुपालनं 回 पष्टि आच्छ (च्छे ) ता चानुमन्ता च तान्येव नरके शुष्ककोटरवासिनः कृष्णाहयो हरन्ति ये [1] दत्तानि यानीह पुरा निर्माल्यवान्तप्रतिमानि तानि को [0] इति Translation. Hail! The grandson of the Great King Satyasraya-Sri-Polikêsivallabha, whose body was purified by ablutions performed after celebrating horse-sacrifices, and who adorned the family of the glorious Chaliky ass, who are of the kindred of Mâna vya which is praised over the whole world, and who are the descendants of Hâriti, and who have been nourished by seven mothers who are the seven mothers of mankind, and who have attained an uninterrupted continuity of prosperity by the favour and protection of Kárt tikêya, and who have had all kings made subject to them by the mere sight of the sign of the Boar which they acquired through the favour of the holy Narayana;-the son of the Great King Kirttivarmavallabha, the banner of whose pure fame was hung up in the territories of the hostile kings of Vanavasi and other countries that had been invaded by his prowess;-the favourite of the world, the Great King Sri Satya § This form of the name is not of very common occur rence. The other forms are Chalkya, probably the oldest and original form,-Chalukya,-and Chalukya. Tradition,as recorded in a stone-tablet inscription at the temple of Lokésvaradeva. at Handarike in the Haidarábâd territories ; Ell. MS., I. 612, states that the Chalukyas sprang from the spray of a waterpot (chulka, chuluka, chaluka) when Hariti, who wore five tufts of hair on his head, was pouring out a libation to the gods. यदा The seven divine mothers, or personified energies of the principal_deities; viz.. Brahmi or Brahmani, Vaishnavi, Mahesvarf Kanmari, Virahi, Indrani, and Chananda. They are also reckoned as sometimes eight, sometimes स्वर्गं वसति [1] बहुभिर्वसुधा भुक्ता भूमिस्तस्य तस्य मही युधिष्ठिर महीं वर्षसहखाणि वसेत् [11] विन्ध्या स्वर्गे पि जा नरेन्द्रेः दानानि ध नाम सा [11] 6 śraya, who is the abode of the power of statesmanship and humility and other good qualities, and who has acquired the second name of Supreme Lord' by victory over hostile kings who applied themselves to the contest of a hundred battles, issues his com - mands to all people : "Be it known to you that, five hundred and thirty-four of the years of the Śaka king having elapsed, in the third year of my own installation in the sovereignty, on the day of the new-moon of (the month) Bhâdra. pada, on account of an eclipse of the sunt, in order that my parents may acquire my own religious merit, the village of Mà k arappi, with its treasures and deposits and assignments and major taxes‡, to the north of (the village of) Rolkûruki and to the south of the village of Kadappa, has been given by me, while governing (at) the city of Vâtâpinagari, with libations of water, for the purpose of celebrating the five great sacrificess, to Jyeshtha śarma, whose family nine, and sometimes sixteen in number. They are figured several times in the sculptures at Elora. Crest, signet, or ehsign. * Parameivara. The computation of this eclipse would be interesting. -ED. The meaning of klipta and uparikara is somewhat doubtful. § The Brahmaya jña, or offering of prayer or of repeating the Veda; Devayaja, or burnt sacrifice offered to the gods; Pitriyajna, or sacrifice offered to the Manes; Manushyayajña or Nriyajña, or the sacrifice or act of hospitality due to guests and Bhatayajña, or the oblation of food, &c. to all created beings.


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