Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 344
________________ 282 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [OCTOBER, 1877. Vasudevam samuddibya (samabhyarchya, N.fol. 266) spot of a sútikágriha (house for a woman sarvapdpaprasantaye upavdsam karishyamilerish- in childbirth) takes place. Thus according to ndshtamydí nabhasy aham ||1|| 0. Sa. 0. B. K.N. (S. Vr.) D. M8. In R. Sk. adya krishndrhtamiri devin (chaiva Vr.) nabhas indeed this subject is not specially mentionchandra-sarohinim (sic! So N both times, thus ed, but the house" simply is described as also 8. Sk. and R. p. 33, where v. 2 recurs; only Vr. has chandran) archayitvopavdsena bhokshye the scene of the ensuing celebration (griham 'ham apare 'hani | 21 upakramya): probably, however, the same enaso (eva cha Vr.) mokshakāmo 'ami yad govinda thing is meant by it. For the preparing triyonijam (triyojanam S., niyojitam Vr. 1) I tan me of such a separate shed intended for the muncha tu mdr trdhi patitan kokaadgare 131 purpose of being occupied while passing djanmamaranan ydvad yan mayd duskkritania kri safely through the time of lying in, is a tam tat prandsaya govinda prasida purushot constant Indian custom, which appears to tama || 4 || have come down from pretty early times. The * To the honour of Vasudeva I will fast now reason of it was probably, on the one hand the for the expiation of all sins wish to keep the impurity connected with childTo-day, as the eighth day of the black half of the birth at a distance from the other members of the Nabhas moon 11 family as well as from the dwelling-house proper, Celebrating by fasting to-day the Krishndshtami, and on the other the better opportunity therethe Nabhas month and the moon by offered of defending and guarding the Together with Rohini, then to-morrow I shall mother and child from all bad demoniacal ineat again fluences. After the quotations in K. iii. 1 fol. I wish, O Govinda! to atone for the sinst 6a,b, but especially in Ananta de va's Sannof three births skárakaustubha (fol. 56ab), the sútikágriham Blot them out to me, and save me who fell into lig, according to a text of Vanish that a a sea of trouble 1 tained in the Parijáta (Madanapdrijata, see From birth to death, whatever evil deed I have Aufrecht, Catalogus, pp. 274, 275) to be done erected in the south-west region. AnantaCancel it, O Govinda! be gracious, Puru- deva gives also astrological information from shottama!!!" Garga respecting the right time to enter it From this specimen we may form an idea (sútikágáraveśanam, sútikáveśanam), as well as of the variations of the several representations, special texts from the Padma respecting the even in those cases where substantially the same erection itself, &c. According to him, it is to be subject is treated of, and draw from it a further made well defended on all sides, to be erected conclusion as to cases where real differences on a good situation, firm and secure, by people are dealt with. skilled in building, and to be provided with a At midday of the day of the festival a bath door to the east, and one to the north. After is to be taken in clean river-or other water the worship of the gods, Brâhmans, and (0. O. B. N.), making use of sesamum $a. cows has taken place, the enceinte one enters, N. K. D. (white sesamum). J (black ditto), calling on the Brahmaņs for blessings, amid Ms (oil of black sesamum), carrying a myro- conch sounds and other music. Only kindred balan fruit on the head (dhátriphalar sirasi and trustworthy women afterwards enter. (Meal dhritvá, J.). In Sb the bath is placed before of ricinus roots mixed with gki serves to the taking of the vow of fasting: thus also facilitate the birth.) According to the Vishin Ud. (dvitiyadine brlikme muhúrte utthaya till mudharma, it is to be inhabited for ten days malakasndnam) (precisely on the tenth the in-lying woman gets After this the setting up on an auspicions up again, see Pár. I. 17 Sankh. g. I. 24) and + See Vishnurahasya in M, vide ante, p. 164. I aindre ta vikramasthanam, Agneyyâm pachan&layah várunyam bhojanagriha nairpity Arin satik agriham iti 1 Proviset natikfeamjnar kritaraksham samantataḥ subhumau nirmitan ramyam v stavidyavisfradaih pragdy Arum uttaradv@ram athara sudridhar subham devanam brAhman Ann cha gavarn kritv& cha pajanam | riproponyáhasabdena saikhavidyaravena cha prasuta bahavas tatra tath& klesakshandayabil hridy& visvasaniyá cha praviseya(b) striyas chs tat| erandam dlachuraens saghritena tathaiva tam (lacuna sukhaprasavanarth&ya paschat karye tu tat kahiped iti i Compare Ka. ii. 1 fol. 186: sütik apraveko govipradevapujanam kritva mantravidyaghoshens sapatyastribbih saha kryeb


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