Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 432
________________ 360 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY [DECEMBER, 1877. On the male side the figure of Ardha nå. tiba is usually painted dark blue or black, and vermilion or orange on the left or female side, but sometimes the colours are white (Siva's proper colour) and yellow. Bat to return to the great cave: The roof • The names of Siya are so numerous, and the forms so various, that it is useful to know the principal names, though is almost every town and village he has a different local designation. In the Dekhan and Southern India the following are the most common 1, Ahirbudhna-having a snake below, or the serpent at tbe bottom, the nether serpent. 2. Anand-the blissful; 3, Anandanatha. 4, Andhakaripu-the enemy of Andhaka. 6, Arunachaleka--lord of Arunachala (the red hill). 6. Ann&malain&tha. 7. Bharga--the shining : 8, Smarahara,--the destroyer of Kama. 9, Bhava--the existing ; 10, Bhairava. 11, Bhima--the terrific ; 12, Ugn-the wrathful. 13, Bhdtanátha, or Bhatess, and 14, Bhútapati,-lord of demons. 15, Bhuvanesa-lord of the world. 16, Chandrasekhara ; 17, Chandramauli; 18, Pirisúdi(?)moon-crested; 19, Chandrapida; 20, Chandrila (P); 21, Sadh sútikslAmaulin-having the nectar-producing crescent as a crest. 22, Chidambaramürtti-the intellectual garment-form, the god at Chelámbram. 23, Chokkhanatha--the handsome lord. 24, Andivannen-twilight-coloured. 25, Devamani-the divine gem. 26, Dhurijati (?)--who bears the worlds. 27, Ekámbara--having one garment; 38, Brahmi-the wapreme one; 29, Kadavul (?). 30, Endolan (?)-eight-shouldered. 31, GanAdhipa-master of the ganas. 32, Gangadhan ; 83, Gañgavenian-having Gafiga in his hair. 34, Girisa-lord of the hills, he who dwells on the hills. 35, Hari-the seizer. 36, fás; 87, Lávara ; 88, Mahesvars--the great god. 39, Parameswara-the highest god. 40, Isana-the universal ruler. 41, Jatamudi (%); 42, Pingaga (P),-- with entangled locks; 43, Kapardin-with braided hair. 44, Jyotis-the light. 45, Kailayali (?)-lord of Kail . 48, Kadukkaiyen-with Cassia fistula garland. 47, Kannisúdi-garland-wearer. 48, Kankala-bone-wearer. 49, KapAli; 50, Kapálabhrit--who wears skulla. 61, KAyrðnar-the god at Negapatam. 52, Kalingarája-king of Kalinga ; 58, KAlurlys (P). 54, Dakshiņfirsya (?). 65, Khandaparasu-who hews his foes with a battle-sze. 56, Kratudhvanafn ; 57, DakshAdhyaradhvansakrit,--the destroyer of (Daksha's) sacrifice. 58, Krishnuretas-whose seed is in the fire, or placed in the fire. 69, Křittivaras-clothed with a hide. 60, MshAdeva—the great god. 61, Mahabalesvara-lord of great power. 62, Mahakala—the great Kala; 68, KAlak Alathe Kala or destroyer of Kala. 64, Manidamendi (?)-holding a deer. 66, Marimuthal (?)-author of the Vedas. 68, Mrida-who is pleased or purifies. 67, Mrityunjaya--conqueror of Death.. 68, Munnon (P)--the ancient; 69, Mahamuni-the great ascetic. 70, Nadesa or Nadekvant-lord of rivers ; 71, Tandava. Urtti-the dancing god; 72, KAliyodidi (6)-the dancer with KAL; 73, SudalaiyAdi-the dancer in cemeteries. 74, Panduranga-whose limbs are white. 75, Nakka (P)-the naked. 76, Namban (?)-supremely desirable. 77, Nandikovars- the ball-lord; 78, Vriahadhvajawhose standard is a hall 79, N ArlbhAge-female-sided, 80, Mangaibhaga (1) 81, AmbikAbhAga. 82, Natha--the lord ; 83, Iraiyon (?)-the king. 84, Nilakantha-blue-throated; 85, Nilagriva ; 86, Nanchurikantha (P)-having poison in the throat; 87, Sitikanthaof the black throat; 88, Srikantha--of the beautifnl throat. 89, Nilalohita—the blue and red. 00, Nirmala; 91, MAsillåthavar (?) spotless. 92, Nitya--the eterna 93, Paichamukha ; 94, Panchånana-five-faced. 95, Parama--the highest; 96, Paramasiva. 97, Parasupaņi-wearer of the battle-axe; 98, Pinakin; 99, Pinakapani-bearer of the bow. 100, Kundraviļļi (P)-with the (Mera) mountain-bow. 101, Pasupati-lord of cattle or the beasts. 102, Pongaravanindon (P)--adorned with an angry make 103, Rudr--the furious, or the disperser of tears. 104, Sambhu-the good ; 106, Tarbaran (P)--self-existent. 106, Sankari-author of good. 107, Sirnd Arnikkatavar (P)--the protector of those who take refuge in him. 108, Sarvs-who destroys; 109, Sarvajna-all-knowing. 110, Sipivishta-wrapped in a skin, or surrounded by glory. 111, Senjatayiss (P)-red-locked; 112, Vyomakesezure-haired 113, Siva--auspicious; 114, Mah dira; 115, Sadasiva 116, Someśvara, or Somanaths, --lord of the moon. 117, Srashtri-the creator. 118, Sthqu---the everlasting. 119, Sulin; 120, Saladhara; 121, Salapagi-tridentbearer. 122, Svarganayaka-lord of heaven; 128, Trilochans ; 124, Virupaksha; 125, Mukkannen (P)- baving a third eye. 126, Tripurantaka--the destroyer of Tripura ; 187, Purándhaka. 138, Tryambaka-three-eyed, or of three limbs. 129, Umapati-lord of Ums; 130, UmAanhita; 131, P&vatikorhunan (P). 132, Vamadeva who sports in a contrary way. 133, Vars--the giver ; 184, Pillaityaga-(P) the child-giver. 135, Virabhadra-the propitious hero. 186, Visvanatha-lord of the world; 187, Magnoals mirtti. 188, Vriddhachalam ortti-the god of the round hill. 189, Yogin; 140, Mahayogin-the mediator ; 141, Dhar. ma Thikurs; &c. &o. In the Amuldsana parua of the Mahabharata the thousand names of Siva and Vishnu are given, bat good many of the above do not oocur in that list. Those in the above list that are queried are not wholly Sanskrit, and are probably of Dravidian origin. There is one of which the Prikrit word rdya forma a component part.


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