Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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________________ 366 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [DECEMBER, 1877. bharata, is coming to carry it off. In the next section he is seen speeding off with it, and then, having placed it at the entrance of the dwelling of the Nagas, Indra meets him and strikes him with his vajra, which, however, does him no harm, he having previously met Vishņu, who granted him immortality withrut the use of the amrita. MISCELLANEA. HEMÅDPANT (ante, p. 277). He seems to have been a zealous temple-builder, On the fall of the Châlukya dynasty of Kaland doubtless many of the temples known as yana in the end of the twelfth century, the Hemad panti scattered over Kbândesh and Yå da vas of Devagiri established a kingdom the Haidarâbâd territory owe their origin to him ; in the northern Dekhan. The kings of this line many others going by the same name derivo it are thus enumeratedt : merely from similarity of style and age.-ED. 1. Bhillama or Bhallamdêva... Saka 1110, 5 years. 2. Jayatugadêva or Jaitrapâla. 1115, 17 , PLATE OF A SYRIAN SÅ SANAM. 3. Singhaņa Dêva, his son ... 1132, P This grant, now in the possession of one of the 4. Kandarai or Krishna Deva. 1170 PP rival Syrian metropolitans át Kottayam, is writ5. Mahadeva, his brother ...... 1182,11 >> ten on nine sides of five copper plates; the first 6. Ramachandra dêva, son of seven pages are in old Tamil-Malayalam or VatKrishna, styled also Raya teluttu characters, apparently written by Nårá yana, Raya Pitamaha, different hands, the letters in places indistinct, Dvârâvati parivridha ...... 1193, 39 , being injured by the breaking of the plates, and 7. Sankara Deva ............ 1232, 2 , corrosion. They record an endowment to the At the commencement of the Vrata Khanda of Tarisa church at Kranganur by one Marvan his Chaturtarga Chintamani, Hema dri gives this Sapir I so, the church being said to have been gencalogy as far as Mahadeva, in whose reign, built by a certain Isodáta virå i. The grant he says, he became “minister with possession of was made with the sanction of the palaceall the regal powers. (?) The capital was Deva- major (probably the commissioner of Perum&1 giri in Setu na-d es a." His own pedigree Sthanu Ravi Gupta), and with the concur. he gives as-Vå mana of the Vatsa-gotra," from rence of the Vênádu (or Travankor) raja. The him Vasudeva, a very learned Brahman, from two sides given in the accompanying plate him K& ma-deva, and from him Hem&dri contain the names of the witnesses in three difSari. Dr. Bhad Daji, in a paper just quoted ferent characters and languages, viz. eleven names from, says that, "according to tradition, Hemi in the Kufic character and Arabic language, ten in dri was of the MAdhyandiniya sak hå of the the Sassanian Pahlavi character and language, Sukla Yajur Veda." The works attributed to him and four in the Hebrew character and Persian are-(1) Chaturvarga Chintamani, a treatise on language. Among the names in the latter characDharma Sastra, in five Khandas, viz. 1 Vrata ter are those of Hasan'Ali, Ishaq, Mikidil, Khanda, 2 Dána Khanda, 3 Tirtha Khanda, 4 Moksha and Abraham. Khanda, and 5 Paribesha Khanda, but the third The grant probably belongs to the early part and fourth of these sections are as yet un- of the ninth century: it has been translated by known except by name; (2) Muktáphala, which, Dr. Gundert (Madras Journal of Literature and however, belongs rather to V opad eva, who was Science, vol. XIII. pp. 116, 123-135), and compatronized by Hemadris; and (3) Ayurvedarasd- mented on by Dr. A. Burnell (see Ind. Ant. vol. yana, a commentary on Wagbhatta's medical treatise III. pp. 310ff.), Dr. E. W. West, Jour. R. 48. Soc. called Ashtanga-hridaya, in which the author men- N. S. vol. IV. pp. 388-391), and the late Dr. M. tions that he was the Mantri of R& mar&ja. Haug (Essay in An Old Pahlavi-Pazand Glossary, His date may therefore be fixed as A.D. 1250-1300. 1870, pp. 80-82). . For mach help in tracing the meaning of these scenes patronized by Hem&dri, a man of rank, whose name is on the friese, as well as for some important information therefore affixed to the performance; in general, the works respecting those in the panels immediately preceding, I am named of Hem&dri ere attributed to Vopadeva, who indebted to Pandit Bhagvanlal Indraji. was patronized by him, and Hem Adri is said to have Jour. R. As. Soc. vol. IV. p. 4; vol. V. pp. 178-188; been the minister of & king of Devagiri: in this work he is entitled Maharjadhiraja." May not and N. S. vol. I. pp. 411, 417. TOU, the name of Hem&dri's father, as read by Prof. 1 Jour. Bo. Br. R. As. Soc. vol. IX. p. 164. Weber, and TC, the name of his grandfather, se read See Monier Williams, Indian Wisdon, p. 178,-who calle Hemadri 'king of Devagiri.' Conf. Weber in Ind. by the late Dr. Bhad Dajt, have arisen out of a copyist's Ant. vol. VI. p. 161, note I. H. H. Wilson describes the mistake, making वासुदेव the son of Vasudeva into चारुदेव? Danahemadri (Mackensie Coll. vol. I. p. 32) or Dna. The three Hem Adria of Prof. Weber are evidently one and khanda of the Chaturuarga Chintamani s "by a writer the same.


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