Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 439
________________ DECEMBER, 1877.] ROCK-CUT TEMPLES AT BÅDAMI. 365 the last section of the 7th plate, where we have, and 2nd on the sixth plate. In the first of these first, Krishņa as Vishņu resting beside the Krishna is represented lying on a couch, playPårijátaka tree, with Garuda behind him, and mates beside him, cows licking his feet, and severnl other figures, among whom are doubt- gopas or herdsmen standing by. In the next less his wives Satyabhama and Rukmini, and are gopis and gopas with pots of milk, cows and the sage Narada under the tree; then he is Krishna in the midst of them stopping the way. shown mounted on Garuda; ard, thirdly, go- And in the third are more of the herd, and ing out to do battle with an army of Indra, in Krishna slaying Kesin, the brother of Kansa, which some of his numerous opponents are who assumed the form of a horse and attacked Agni, Varuņa, Yama, &c., mounted on elephants the Gopas, and of another enemy who took the and on horses, continued also through the first form of the elephant Kuvalayâpida. Then section on the 6th plate. This is clearly enough on the 2nd section on the plate we have the the legend of the carrying off from Indra of the Gopis and Gopas on the banks of the YaPârijata tree by Krishna, as told in the Hari- munâ when Kțishņa brings Kåliya, the great varsa (adh. cxxiii. to cxxxiv.). After this fol- Någs, whom he had subdued, and his two low in succession the 4th, 2nd, and 5th sections wives. on the last plate. Here we have first Nára. The 3rd and 1st sections on the last plate yaņa reclining upon Sesha, with the Jotus belong to a different part of the legend : In the springing from his navel, and Brahmi seated first of these we have BrahmA, sented, and upon it; Garuda is at his feet pointing two royal the gods or Suras assembled to ask his advice personages who are struggling to the god; as to how they were to get the better of the these perhaps represent the wicked kings who Daityas. He advised them to churn the sea of oppressed the earth and rendered a new avatára milk. The Bhagavata Purana then describes necessary. Beyond them two persons are abus- a contest which arose as to which should hold ing an ox, representative perhaps of Dharma the head of Vasuki and which his tail, while or Religion, and a cow, of Prithu-the Earth. they used him as a cord wherewith to twirl Then two others are supplicating Vishņu. The Mount Mandara as a churn-stick. Here they 2nd section on the plate, which comes next are twisting him round, a Deva being at his head, on the walls, seems to represent Ka is a be- and a Daitya, represented with an animal's face, tween two female chauri-bearers, perhaps Nárada at the other side, but not satisfied with the tail. before him, then the house of Vasudeva, then Next come Indra, Brahma, Siva, and others Kansa having thrown the daughter of Yasodâ on seated ready to begin the task, and still further a stone sees her assume the form of Ekâna i a along the Daitya has seized on the head of the (Harivama, adh. lix. and clviii.) or Darga. serpent-king, which he considers it more honourThe next group perhaps is the apology of Kansa able for his fellows to pull by. The next scene to Devaki and Vasudeva. Passing to is on the 7th section of the sixth plate, where, the 5th section, we have Krishna sucking the the Asuras at the head and Devas at the tail, life out of Půta nå* (atrophy) sent by Kansa with Mount Mandara for a churn-stick, and as a nurse; then his waking from sleep and | Vishạn in the form of a Karma or tortoise, as kicking over the cart beneath which his mother & pivot, and helping in another form above, all had laid him; the killing of Vatsa sura or are working with a will to churn out the amrita, Arishta, who had taken the form of an ox;t or ambrosia, that is to make them immortal. In the relieving of N alakubar and Mani- the 5th section on the same plate the gods are griva, two sons of Kuvera who were turned assembled, and Indra, who had got charge of into troes by the curse of a sage; and the seiz- the amrita, is delivering it to Varuņa. Under ing and killing of the Asura Dhenuka, who the pot is the shining chakra of the gods, who had assumed the form of a donkey. stand on each side, while on the left, Garuda, The next four sections are the 8th, 6th, 4th, the son of Vinata, as described in the Maha• Bhagavata Dasmakanth. adh. vi.; Harivaria, adh. Hari. adh. Im., clviii., clxvii., and lxxv., slao xi.. lxü. civ., clviii. Hariv. adh. lxviii, Irir Hariv. liv., lui., and luxvii.; Bhag. Das. vii. Bee Vishnu Purana, Bk. I. c.ix.(H. L. Wilson's transl. | Bldg. Das. L. and viii.; Harivalida, lxix., also liv., civ., vol. 1. pp. 14948.); Mahabharata, amritomanthana parua cxix., cxlvi., clviii., and ccxlii. adh. xvii.; Harivamsa, adh. ccxiv., OoXV.


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