Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 361
________________ OCTOBER, 1877.] ON THE KRISHNAJANMASHTAMI. 299 Remanar amyekddafyddyuts mesht apy 'dhyah, půjá- morning-ritual is to be accomplished ; tbereupon jágarddivisishtavratotsavasdmydt, Mahardshtriyeshu the god, in company with Deva ki, is to be tatha "chárdch chal worshipped once more, quite as before, and then, Now then, when the morning breaks, a festival, "all this" (obviously all that had been made use as great as that which has (just) been held toof at the festival the of at the festival, the images included) is to be Krishna is to be consecrated to Devaki.t given to a Brâh mana who is an inmate of the At it the Brâhmaņas are feasted, and rich house; after this only the other Brahmaņas rewards are given to them in gold, possessions in too-are to be fed, and to have presents given land, cattle, clothes, flowers, and whatever each them, and then may he, the giver of the feast, most desires, in order to please Krishna himself eat too.N (C. Vr.) does not in this case thereby. He then dismisses them with the make any special mention at all of Devaki, salutation but appoints quite generally that "the wor"Hail to him, the god whom the goddess ship"-or if we prefer 0. Vr.'s way of reading, Devaki has begotten of Vasudeval specially only " the worship of the god," that For the protection of the earthly Brahman. is of Krishna, shall take place "as before." hood (hail to him!) the Brahman-souled! || P. makes the bhagavant (by which obviously Good luck be to Vâsudeva, for the good | Krishna is meant) be worshipped first of of cows and Brâhmaņas! all in the regular way, and after that, by a Peace be! Promise of happiness be!"- misunderstanding, as we saw already, (see p. Thus 0 C Sa., with addition of all sorts of 167) makes a festival to Durga follow !-Śc. promises of reward for those who thus cele has nothing about a festival to Devaki; brate the high festival of the goddess De- but gives several specialities regarding the vaki every year. In Sa. there is another worship of the Lord of the Universe,' with addition found, according to which the relatives, various distributions and prayers, among them as also the miserable and helpless, are to be a hundred and eight distributions of ghee, along feasted, before he (the master of the house) with reciting of the purushas úkta. Quite like may eat anything himself. RN give also a this, only more in detail, Vi 2. J. K. K. leave formula for this páranam, breakfast, and N con the worship of Krishna or of Deva ki tains the important direction that previously the quite out of view, only making mention of the image (of the god) shall also be presented to a feasting and giving presents to the Brah. Brahmana. It is surprising that this direc maņas; but K. K&. also say on this occasion tion should be wanting in 0 C Śa, for M. recog. that the festival could be celebrated for a whole nizes it also (see above, p. 163) as an integral year every month during the second quarter, part of the Jayanti celebration. According to for which arrangement K. refers to two pasVi 2, J. it is the acharya, teacher,' to whom sages of the Vahnipurána, which he cites (see the image, along with numerous other presents, above, p. 169) from the Madanaratna. Lastly, regarding which particularly Vi 2. treats very B. Vil. Ud. have nothing at all about what has much in detail, is to be given. The accounts to be done on the morning after the festival. in Ms. on occasion of the Rámanavami etc. show, The texts belonging to this are as follows, first too, that a similar giving away of the image of of all in 0 0 Sa. thegods worshipped at the festival to the teacher, ..... prabháte navamidine | 55 || is in fact a universal custom of the VaishŅA yatha mama tatha karyo bhagavatyd mahotsavak brahmandut bhojayechhaktyaf tebhyo dadydt sudakvas, as we find it again throughout the Varáha shindmsS || 56 | purána also, on occasion of the ten or eleven hiranyan TT kañchanar** gdpott udsansi kusumani avatára-festivals.-According to D, too, in the chaft | yad yad ishtatamar tat tatę Krishno me primorning, when the sun has driven all the yatdm iti || 57 | darkness away, in the first place the necessary yan depan Devaki devi Vasudevdd ajíjanat bhau 10. 60, Bhagavatt in 0. 56, what R. erroneously 1 yet paschat D yed bhaktyd C sa MR sk. understands as Durg &; see above, p. 167 (289. 296). $$ tato dadyach cha dakshinam C.M., tebhyo d. cha d. Sv. 55-61, 66, also in R. Sk., 566, 57 in M (Sla), 58. 59 1 sa DR sk. IT Suvarnam R. sk. in N. 566. 58. 59 in D, 59 in K. - rajatars C.medinih sa M. and in Riquoted as palha. karyo, So 1. R. sk., karyam 00 sa. tt gái cha, R. sk. 11 vividhani C. Loke C. * Otsavanh, 0 s. deufth Vadudertpy, 0. Compare M. 8la: yoge 'smin brahmanan, 02. | Vasudevád dhi Devakt mam ajfjanat.


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