Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 386
________________ 324 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY [NOVEMBER, 1877. year (of his reign), on the 10th day in the bright Literal translation. half of Nawaya (February March)-whereas he has 1 "Hail! His majesty king Siri Saig bo, who, been pleased to declare with regard to the monas- i descended from an uninterrupted line of kings of tery (called) Dapulu, king of Pandi'; until in the Ikshvaku family, which is the pinnacle of the this kalpa and in subsequent ones the female birds glorious Kshatriya caste, had become lord by ....... P.......and the nine planetsi hide, (and) with (hereditary) succession on the ground of the island regard to the monastery (called) D Apuļ the of Lalika, who, in the 9th year after he had raised First, Preservation :' until a small whirlpool the royal umbrella, ransacked the kingdom of becomes (?) firm, for so long do we, in agreement Pandi, and, having obtained victory and glory. with the Kolpatri community of priests, give-and enjoyed his whereas he has declared : to the village Gibelga- which were the gift (tribute) of foes-the son of muwa, which is situated on the ground assigned that king, his majesty king Abha Salame. according to the rule which the Chief Secretary wan Dapulu, in the 10th year after he raised Sena himself has established in the nunnery Nál. the royal umbrella — " ârâma built after he had named it with the III.-Inscription of the same at tawiragollewa. name of his mother-for daily increasing the (supply of) water at the great vihara and at the ................. Oka [-was rad pa]rapure[n great Bo-tree, (and) for furnishing daily the four bat La]k diw p[o!oyo]n parapu[ren hi]mi pratyayas to seven persons, nuns or novices (P), wû A bh â [Siri sang] bo maha (rad/h]a tuma ................ a privilege, viz., that two............shall sat 1[ang ) na wawan hawu[ru]duyehi Pândi rat enter, that two karmasthdnas.................., that [p]where deye lad masha]rad/hu dara Abha travellers and............shall not enter, that the Salamewan mahå[ra]dhu tumå sat læ[nga] officers of the royal family shall not enter the as. dasawan hawaruduyehi - sembly of the priests (?), that enemies shall not Literal version. tuke cattle from the village (sic!), that the cartbuffaloes shall not enter, until in this kalpa and "His majesty king Abha Siri saig bo, in subsequent ones the female birds .....(P) ......, who, descended from an uninterrupted line of until in this lalpa and in subsequent ones the nine kings of the Ikshvaku family, had become lord planets ' hide and a small whirlpool becomes (P) on Lafka's ground by (hereditary) succession, who firm (literally, to the hiding of to the becoming in the 9th year after he had raised the royal firm of ), for so long do we, in agreement umbrella, ransacked the kingdom of Pândi and with the Kolpattra community of priests, give obtained victorys--the son of that king, his having been pleased to come (here), to this village majesty king A bh & Sala mewan, in the 10th Gitelgamuwa...............a privilege is given. year after he raised the royal umbrella " It seems rather strange that, as appears from IV.-Inscription of the Æpd Mihindu (later king this, inscription, the great vihdra (at Anuradha Makindo III.) at Mayilagastota. pura) required to be supplied with water from Okâ-was parapuren bat rad porumu. a tank five miles off. wanat ag me[he]su[n] wû Lak diw poloyon II.-Inscription of King Abhd Salamewan Dapulu parapuren himi siti (?) Gon biso rudna kus/hi (Dappulo V.) at Elawawa Pansala. upan A bh & Sala mo wan maharad/hu urehi Sri Sicibara kæt kala kot Oka-was rad para- da kreta k[x]la kot wiyat daham niye gat (?) puren bat Lak diw poloyon paraparen himi æpå Mihind a hu wasin wù Abha Siri sang bo maharad/hu tuma sat læñga nawawan hawuruduyehi Pandi rat Literal translation. puehwr jaya kirtti lad rupun dan wû mal "By the wpå Mihinda-who was born in the inasoluta malat ekânna siri bhoga kala maha womb of the anointed queen Gon, chief queen to his majesty the king, descended from the un. rad hu daru A bha Sala mewan Dapuu broken line of the Ikshvaku family, reigning on inaharad/hu tuma sat længû dasawan hawu- Lanka's ground by (hereditary) succession--the ruduyehi - son of king A bh & Salamewan-the pinnacle I i.e. sun, moon, and the seven planeta. $ The following is an abstract of the narrative given in the Mahdualso (ch. lii. 70-78) of Kassapo (VI.y'Indian campaign, which here does not appear quite so glorious and successful as in the inscriptions of his son: The king of Pandt, being defeated by the king of Chola, Nought the assistance of the king of Ceylon. Kussapo sent his general Sakko over to India. But even though supported by the Sinhalese army, the king of Påndt, being unable to keep the field against his adversary, took to flight. The Simbalese general nevertheless determined on fighting, but was murdered "by the wicked Peplu." Kassapo hearing of this, and learning that at the same time his army was being decimated by sickness,"out of compassion" (as the Mahdualso says) called them back.


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