Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 399
________________ NOVEMBER, 1877.] THE INDIKA OF MEGASTHENÊS. 337 being tedious, from the chain of Emodus, of which Izgi, and on the hills the Chisiot osagit and a spur is called I maus (meaning in the native the Brachmanæt a name comprising many language snowy), are the Isari, Cosyri, ! tribes, among which are the Maccocalingæ. distance from the Ganges (119 miles) combine to fix at Pliny assigns 425 miles as the distance from the coaDabhai, a small town about 12 miles to the south of fluence of the rivers to Palibothra, but, as it is in reality Anupshabr. Kalinipax, the next stage, Mannert and only 248, the figures have probably been altered. He gives, Laseen would identify with Kanauj (the Kanyåkubja of lastly, 638 miles as the distance from Palibothra to the Sanskrit); but M. de St. Martin, objecting to this that moath of the Ganges, which agrees closely with the estiPliny was not likely to have designated no important and so mate of Megasthenes, who makes it 5000 stadia--if that Holebrated a city by so obscure an appellation, finds a site indeed was bis estimate, and not 6000 stadia as Strabo in for it in the neighbourhood on the banks of the Ikshumati, one passage alleges it was. The distance by land from river of Panchåla mentioned in the great Indian poems. Patna to Tamluk (Tamralipta, the old port of the Ganges' This river, he remarks, must also have been called the mouth) is 445 English or 480 Roman miles. The distance Kalinadi, as the names of it still in current use, Kalini and by the river, which is singon, is of course much greater. Kalindri, prove. Now, as paxa' transliterates the Sanskrit See Etude sur le Géographie Grecque et Latine de l'Inde, paksha, a xide, Kalinipaxa, to judge from its name, must par P. V. de Saint-Martin, pp. 271-278. Jesi nate a town lying near the kalipadt. These four tribes were located somewhere in Kainir The figures which represent the distances bave given rise or its immediate neighbourbood. The Isari are unknown, to much dispate, some of them being inconsistent either but are probably the same as the Brysari previously men. with others, or with the real dietances. The text, acoord- tioned by Pliny. The Cosyri are easily to be identified ingly, has generally been supposed to be corrupt, so far at with the Khasira mentioned in the Mahabharata as neigh. leust as the figures are concerned. M. de St. Martin, bours of the Daradas and Kasmiras. Their name, it has however, accepting the figures nearly as they stand, shows been conjectared, Rurvives in Klachar, one of the three great. them to be fairly correct. The first difficulty presents it- divisions of the Kathis of Gujarit, who appear to have come self in the words, " Others give 325 miles for this distance." originally from the Panjab. The Izgi are mentioned in By this distance cannot be meant the distance between Ptolemy, under the name of the Sizyges, as a people of the Ganges and Rhodopha, but between the Hesidras and Serike. This is, however, a mistake, as they inhabited the Rhodopha, which the addition of the figures shows to be alpine region wbich extends above Kasmir towards the 399 miles. The shorter estimate of otbers (325 miles) north and north-west. The Chisiotosagi or Chirotosagi measures the length of more direct route by way of are perhaps identical with the Chicone (whom Pliny else Patiala, Thanéavara, Panipat, and Dehli. The next diffi- 1 where mentions), in spite of the addition to their naine of vulty has probably been occasioned by a corruption of "sagi,' which may have merely indicated them to be a branch the text. It lies in the words "Ad Onlinipaxa oppidum of the SAkas--that is, the Skythinne-by whom India was CLXVII. D. Alii CCLXV. mill." The numeral D has sencrally been taken to mean 500 paces, or half a Roman overrun before the time of its conquest by the Åryana. They mile, making the translation run thns:-"To Kalinipaxa are mentioned in Manu X. 44 together with the Paundrakas, 167 miles. Others give 263 milea." But M. de St. Martin Odras, Dravidlaa, Kambojas, Yavanas, Paradas, Pahlavas, vrefers to think that the D has, by some mangling of the Chinaa, Kiratas, Duradas, and Kbakas. If Chirotosagi be text, been detached from the beginning of the second the right reading of their name, there can be little doubt number, with which it formed the number DLXV., and of their identity with the Kiratas.-See P. V. de St.. been appended to the first, being led to this conclusion on Martin's work already quoted, pp. 195-197. But for tho finding that the number 565 sums up almost to a nicety the Klachars, see Ind. Ant. vol. IV. p. 323. distance from the Hesidrus to Kalinipaxa, as thus : IV. 1. Bracmanæ. Pliny at once transports his readers From the Hesidrus to the Jomanes...... 169 miles. from the mountains of Kasmir to the lower part of the valley From the Jomanes to the Ganges......... 119 of the Ganges. Here he places the Brachmanse, whom by From the Ganges to Rhodopha .............. 119 . takes to be, not what they actually were, the leading caste of the population, but a powerful race composed of many From Rbodopha to Kalinipaxa ............ 167 tribes--the Maccoonlinge being of the number. This tribe, Total... 566 miles. as well as the Gangarida-Kalinga, and the Modogalinga) Pliny's carelessness in confounding total with partial dis afterwards mentioned, are subdivisions of the Kalinga, tances has created the next difficulty, which lies in his stat a widely diffused mee, which spread at one time from the ing that the distance from Kalinipaxn to the confluence of delta of the Ganges all along the eastern coast of the pe. the Jcmanes and the Ganges is 625 miles, while in reality ninsula, though afterwards they did not extend southward it is only about 227. The figures may be corrupt, but it is beyond Orissa. In the Mahabharata they are mentioned much more probable that they represent the distance of as occupying, along with the Vangas (from whom Bengal is some stage on the route remoter from the confluence of the named) and three other leading tribes, the region which rivers than Kalinipaxa. This must have been the passage lies between Magadha and the sea. Tho Maccocelinga, of the Jomanes, for the distance then, are the Magha of the Kalingo."Magha," says M. de From the Jomanes to the Ganges is ... 112 miles. St. Martin, "is the name of one of the non-Aryan tribes Thence to Rhodopha ...... 119 of greatest importance and widest diffasion in the lower Thence to Kalinipaxa ............... Gangetic region, where it is broken up into several special Thence to the confluence of the rivers. 227 groups extending froin Arakan and Western Asam, wheru it is found under the name of Mogh (Anglicè Mugs), as far Total... 625 miles. as to the Maghars of the central valleys of Nepal, to the This is exactly equal to 5000 stadia, the length of the Maghayas, Magalis, or Maghyas of Southern Bahår (the Indian Mesopotamia or Dokb, the Punchsla of Sanskrit ancient Magadha), to the ancient Magra of Bengal, and to geography, and the Antarveds of lexicographers. the Magora of Orisse. These last, by their position, may The foregoing conclusions M. de St. Martin has summed properly be taken to represent our Macoocalinggo." "The up in the table annexed Roman miles. Stadio Modogalinga," continues the same author, "tind equally their representatives in the ancient Mada, a colony which From the Hesidrus to the Jomanes. 168 1344 From the Jomanea to the Gangea... 112 896 the Book of Mans mentions in his enumeration of the im. Thence to Rhodopba . .. 119 pure tribes of Arylivarta, and which he names by the side 952 From the Hesidrus to Rhodopha by of the Andhra, another people of the lower Ganges. The & more direct route ... 2600 Monghyr inscription, which belongs to the earlier part of From Rhodopha to Kalinipara...... 167 1836 the 8th century of our era, also names tbe Mda as a low Total distance from the Hesidrus to tribe of this region (As: Res. vol. I. p. 126, Calcutta, 1788). Kalinipa 565 4520 and, what is remarkable, their name is found joined to that From Kalinipaya to the confluence of the Andhra (Andharaka), precisely as in the text of Ms. of the Jomapes and Ganges .... (397) (1816) nu. Pliny assigns for their habitation a large island of Total distance from the passage of the Ganges, and the word Galinga (for Kalinga), to which the Jomanes to its confluence their name is attached, necessarily places this island towith the Ganges ....... 625 5000 wards the sca-board-perhaps in the Delta. UCO W LLIURUPU 107 Potal o 325


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