Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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________________ 284 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [OCTOBER, 1877. padmarágaih patais chitrair manditari charchitan rakshapdianolikhya (pdian dlikhya ?) tanmadhye bubham | ramyam chandanamálábhir muktamani- sarvatobhadramandale...... vishishitan | || 26 || Now, beside this representation of the locality sarvan gokulavat karyam gopijanasamdkulam of the festival as a sútikágriha, there stands vadhakarair (?) lohakhadgailr) yupachhagasamanvitam& || 27 || firstly-a second in which it is described not dvaro vinyastamusalam rakshitaris rakshapdla with this special name, but with the general kail shashthyd devyd 'pi* sampúrnar, naived name mandapa; that is to say as an "open (?) prair vividhaih kritaih || 28 || pavilion sort of hall” (Pet. Wört.). Thus eramádi yathasaktyd (okti kartavyan sátikd M. itself already (see p. 163), where, unforgriham tunately, nothing further is remarked. And Then Sa: tato 'shtamyámi tilaih snáto (endtva Vr.) thus further also Sb. Śc. Vi 2. (Vi. 1 abstains nadyadau vimale jale || 18 | from any remark upon the locality). So it is sudede bobhanavis kuryád Devalyah sütikdgrihamt! true, has only the short notice that the mandapa sitapitais tatha raktaih karvurair haritair apitt is to be decorated with fruits and flowers (with || 19 || wreaths of flowers, Sv. 2). According to Sc. it is vásobhih sobhitan keritud samantat kalacairnavaih to be built of plantain stems, over a consecrated pushpair phalair anekais cha dipalibhir atas tatah | 20 || circle, which itself forms the centre of a pushpamalavichitrari cha chandandgarudh dpitam space measured off with a cow's skin; it is to atiramyam anaupamyam rakshamanivibhishi be provided with four doors, to be decorated tam || 21 | with fruits and flowers, and a beautiful varieharivansasya charitan gokula " cha vilekhayet gated awning is to be spread over it. In the (also in D. 1036, where however h. cha tatha same way proceeds Vi 2, only that here, instead gokula vilikhapayet) Itatan (Vr. tato Śa) of the space measured off' with the cow's skin, a vaditraninddair vindvenuravákulam || 22 | consecrated holy circle, called a sarvatobhadranrityagftakramopetam mangalaié cha samantatah mandala is prescribed, with all kinds of mystic veshtakdrilohakhadgan (?) kritud nddario cha yat requisites, according to the manner of the natah || 23 | Tantra ritual. dvdre vinyasya musalar rakshitaris rakshapalakaih shashthyd devyd 'dhishthitam cha tad griham Lastly, excluding any account of the mandapa, chotsavais tatha || 24 | this sarvatobhadramandalam only is named evan vibhavasárena kitud tat (Vr., tu sa) sutikd. in Ud. as the place of the celebration, an griham arrangement which is taken (compare ibid. for N ($. Vr.): tatah kadalistambhavdsobhir amra. example 3a, 20a) from the general procepts pallavayutasajalapúrnakalasair dipaih pushpa- of the Vaishņa va ritual, as it is contained málábhir yutam agurudhúpitam (svagaru. Vr.) agni in Ms., while the accounts of the setting up of (agreVr.)-Icha lga-krislınachdga-rakahdmani-dodran- the mandapa here constitute a special pecuvastamtaladiyutan mangalopetaris shashthyd devyáliarity of this one festival, probably appointed dhithitari Devakyah sútikágrihari vidhdya to form a kind of counterpoise to the Sútikágriha M.: tato madhyalıme krishnatailair nadyddau dare in the other form of the celebration. More. snátva sudeće Devakyah sütikdgrihan leurydt over, Ms. itself on its part, unites here (see tatrai(va) vaso-darpana-pallavddibhistorandni kritva, vitánam dvadhya, tatra ghritatailapakváni above) both representations, in which it retatkalaphalani pushpadámani cha a(d)dhod, koud. cognizes the sútikágriham as well as the sarvatoyeshur gokula ni vilikhya, brinkhala-lohakhadga. bhadramandalam,—the latter placed in the chhôgamusaládi dvari vinyasya, meshyd (methydun?) middie of the former. Thus C, O has padmaräge patinetrair and : malyabhi rakshamani. The second hemistich is wanting in C: compare 80.239. This hemistich also in B. 74ab; but saruarakahasa. Thanvitam in the second pada. • ? dvoyasi 0, devyas cha tatraiva C. + Both homistichs (186, 19a) are found so in K. also, and as to be found Hemadras Bhavishye: for the first hemistich compare D 97b, uposhakas tu madhyahne sndtah suklatilaih bubaid; and the second oocurs ibid. 1086, but, with the reading srdese 'lam krite k. 11 Thus also in D. 103a, but with the variation Svetarak. tais tatha pitai karburair haritail prithak. SS So Vr. atikrumyamanoramyan sa In Vi 9 & marginal note has instead of this" An eight-spoked circle, the middle of wbich is formed of eight lotuses." Compare the representation of . sarvatobha. dramandala in 8k. p. 6021. In Ca mention is only made of an eight-leaved lotus flower" tó be drawn (with sandal) on the ground. It recurs, also, in the Ramanavami, the celebration of which, however, appears to be copied from that of the Krishnajarmdshtami


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