Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 322
________________ 262 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [SEPTEMBER, 1877. which they accordingly do (7203ff.). Drupada verses 7310ff.) that the five Pandavas were, in asks Yudhishthira how he is to know whether a former state, five Indras, Arjuna being a they are Kshatriyas, or Brâhmans, or Vais- portion of the real Indra ; and that Sri, or yas, or Sûdras (7219f.). Yudhishthira as- Lakshmi, who had been assigned to them as sures him that they are Kshatriyas, sons their earthly wife, had taken the form of Drauof Påņdu; and that his daughter was like a padi (7303ff., 7309ff.). For how, asks Vyâsa, lotus, which should be transplanted from one -unless by divine appointment,-could such pond to another (7225 and 7228). Drupada a woman as Dranpadi issue from the earth at then proposes that the marriage of his daughter the end of a sacrifice? Vyása then imparted to Arjnna should proceed (7237). Yudhishthira, to Drupada a divine insight whereby he beheld however, informs him that she was to be the the five Pandavas and Draupadi in their prewife of all the five brothers, and tells how their vious celestial forms (7312f.). He then goes mother's word had determined this; and that on (7319ff.) to repeat the other story, which he they had all agreed upon it (7240). Drapada formerly told to the Pandavas (see above, vv. replies that it was quite legitimate that one6426ff.), about the sage's daughter who had king should have many wives, but not that one got no husband, and in order to obtain one, had queen should have more than one husband ; and propitiated Siva, and had gained from him a urges that Yudhishthira should not do an immoral promise that she should have five in a subseact, contrary to custom and the Veda (7244). quent state of existence; and adds that she had Yudhishthira rejoins that the question was one of now accordingly been born anew at the sacrifice a delicate or difficult nataro (súkshma dharma); as Draupadi, the destined wife of the five Pan. that they could not judge of its character, but davas. After this, Drupada can, of course, no followed the path trodden by a succession of longer hold out. He says (7331ff.) that as his ancestors; and adds that their mother had daughter had formerly asked, and Siva had enjoined it (7246ff.). Vyåsa now opportunely promised her, a plurality of husbands, the god arrives (7251). Drupada asks him how one must know what is right: and as he had so woman can become the lawful wife of several ordained it, whether the polyandry was lawful husbands. Vyâsa invites all present to express or unlawful, he himself was not in fault. their opinions (7257). Drupada pronounces Yudhishthira was then first married by the such a marriage to be contrary to custom and family priest to Draupadi, and afterwards the the Veda, not practised by former generations, other brothers were united with her (7339ff.); and of doubtful propriety. Dhrishtadyumna and she received the benediction of her mothertoo (7261) will not allow that the question can in-law (7350ff.). be settled by calling it a nice point ,or that an act From a perusal of the above narrative, it can be both right and wrong. Yudhishthira, appears that although Kunti, the mother of on the contrary (7264), says the practice is three of the Pandavas, is represented as having lawful, and instances the cases of Jațilâ, the at first sanctioned the union of the five brothers daughter of Gotama, and Vårkshi, the daughter with Dranpadî only by a mistake, and although of a sage (muni), both virtuous women, who supernatural occurrences are introduced to exwere the wives of seven, and ten husbands plain and justify the transaction, its lawfulrespectively. He also urges the duty of obeying ness as a recognized usage, practised from time his mother's command above referred to (7131) immemorial, is also affirmed both by Yudhishas a ground for all the five brothers having thira and Vyasa. At the time when the MahaDraupadi for their wife; and his view is sup- bhairata, as we now have it, was composed or ported by his mother. Vyása also says that revised, the practice must have so far fallen the custom is lawful; and that it dated from into disuse, or have become discredited, as to time immemorial, and promises to explain how. require that special divine authority should be He tells two stories, which, however, do not shown in order to render its occurrence among prove that the practice was an ordinary one. respectable persons conceivable even in earlier The first (7275—7818) is to the effect (see ages. & See Satapatha Brahmana, ix. 4. 1. 6, "wherefore also there are many wires of one man."


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