Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 321
________________ SEPTEMBER, 1877.] SOCIAL AND RELIGIOUS LIFE IN ANCIENT INDIA. 261 one. Siva rejoins that she has made the re- fell to the ground (7050ff.). Loud shouts were quest five times; and that when she should be heard in the sky, and from the assembly; and born in another body she should obtain what flowers were showered from the heavens. she had asked (6433f.). She has accordingly, Draupadi then advanced to Arjuna, smiling, Vyasa adds, been born in Drupada's family, and and holding a garland ; and he leaves the asis the destined bride of the Pån da vas whom sembly accompanied by her (7059). The royal he was addressing (6434). He therefore, re- suitors, however, were incensed that her father commends them to stay where they were, and should have wished to give her to a Brâhman, tells them that they should be rendered happy after their desire to possess her had been kinby obtaining her as their wife (6435). Theydled; and that the tree whose fruits they had eventually proceed with a multitude of other hoped to enjoy had been cat down (7061ff.); people to the svaya avara (6925ff.). On their as, in such a case the princess's choice should arrival in the city, they were disguised as Brah- have been limited to Kshatriyas (7067). They mans, and lived by mendicancy (6951). It therefore rushed at Drupada with the intention appears that Drupada had wished to give his of killing him (7072); but he took refugo among daughter to Arjuna, one of the Pandavas, the Brahmaņs, and two of the Pandavas, Arjuna although he did not disclose this (6952). He and Bhima, came to the rescue (7073f.). A fight had had a bow made which was exceedingly ensues ; Arjuna and Bhima triumph over Karna difficult to bend; and he proclaimed that the and Salya; and the Kshatriya kings become man who should bend and string it, and pierce a alarmed, and propose that the combat should mark which he had suspended in the air, should cease for the present. Krishna then comes gain his daughter's hand (6953f.). This in- forward and declares to them that Draupadi's timation was repeated afterwards by his son, hand had been properly awarded by her father Dhrishtadyumna (6978f.), who then named all (7075-7121). Arjuna and Bhima go with the suitors to his sister Dranpadi (6980ff.). Draupadî to the house where their mother was Great excitement ensued among the suitors anxiously awaiting the event, and, in allusion (7005ff.). Those who first tried all failed to to their being at present in the habit of solicit. string the bow (7022ff.). Karna, the half- ing alms, they said to her that they had brought brother of the Påndavas, had no difficulty in something home with them. She, being indoors, doing so, and in fitting an arrow on the string; and not seeing what it was that they had but he was at once rejected by Draupadi, and brought, replied, " Enjoy it all together;" but threw down the bow (7027). Sisa på la, afterwards, on seeing Draupadi, she exclaimed Jarasandha, and Salya next successively that she had spoken wrongly (7131ff.); and failed (7029ff.). Arjuna then rose out of the informs Yudhishthira that she had done so inmidst of the Brahmans (7034ff.), which caused advertently, and asks his opinion. Yudishhthira a sensation among that class, some being (7187ff.) addresses Arjana, and says that he displeased and others glad. Some feared that who had gained her must take her as his wife. this youth by his failure might make their caste Arjuna, however, replies that Yudhishthira must ridiculous; others said that nothing was beyond first wed her, and then the other brothers suca Brâhman's power. “Eating nothing," they cessively. They then all became enamoured of said (vv. 7045ff.), " or eating air, eating fruits, her (7151ff.). Yudhisthira then recollects practising austerities, the Brahmans, though what Vyâ sa had formerly said to them (see verse weak, are most powerful through their own 6434 quoted above), that Draupadi was destined might. Whether he practises good or evil, & to be the wife of all the five-which YudhishBrâhman is not to be contemned, whatever task thira declared she should become (7146). may arrive, easy or difficult, great or small. Dhộishtadyumna, we are next told, then goes to The Kshatriyas were vanquished in battle by visit the Påndavas in the house where they Rama the son of Jamadagni. A gastya, were living, and makes a report of his visit to by his Brahmaņical energy, drank up the fathom- his father (7168, 7174), who sends his family less ocean." Arjuna, bowing down to Siva, and priest to them (7182), and then a messenger calling Krishna to mind, seized the bow, strong with provisions, &c. and chariots, in which it, took the arrows, and pierced the mark, which they were to proceed to the royal residence;


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