Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 333
________________ THE RAJATARANGINI SEPTEMBER, 1877.] pon is the war-disc, the disc-like array of his enemies, went to heaven by the road of the edge of the battle-disc. 70 Then Krishna, the descendant of Yadu, ordered the Brahmans to install the (king's) pregnant widow Yasovati on the throne. " When the servants of the slayer of Madhu at that time became angry, he, reciting this stanza from the Purana, reproved them : 73 Kasmir-land is Pârvati; know that its king is a portion of Siva. Though he be wicked, a wise man who desires (his own) welfare will not despise him." 73 The eyes of men, who formerly regarded with contempt (the country and the queen) as two females and objects of enjoyment, looked (after this speech was uttered) upon (Yasovati) as the mother of her subjects, and (upon the country) as a goddess. 74Then in the proper month that queen bore a son endowed with divine marks, a new sprout of the I family tree which had been consumed by fire. "The Brahmans performed the coronation and kindred rites for him together with his játakarma and other sacraments. 7 The infant king received afterwards, together with the regal dignity, the name of his grandfather, Go'n anda. 77 7 Two nurses were engaged in rearing him, the one gave her milk, the other complete prosperity. 78The ministers of his father, who were careful that his being pleased should not remain without results, bestowed wealth upon his attendants even when he smiled without cause. 70 When his officers, unable to understand his infant stammering, did not fulfil his orders, they considered them selves guilty of a crime. 80 When the infant king ascended his father's throne, he whose legs were dangling in the air did not banish (from the hearts of his subjects) the desire (to solved, chakradharaḥ krishnah, sa eva panthastena, and be translated the road (being opened to him by) Krishna, the bearer of the war-disc. To be slain by a person as holy as Krishna would, of course, ensure heaven to the victim. Perhaps Kalhana intended it to be taken both ways. 13 The earth, or the country, is always considered to be the wife of the king. 74 Read with the Sarada MSS. नेरन्द्रश्रिया, instead of as Troyer and the Calcutta edition have. "The second nurse is the earth, or the country, which gave him entire prosperity. 18 It is the custom and the duty of kings to give presenta whenever they are pleased. The ministers watched lest the custom should be neglected in the case of the infant king, and gave presents whenever he smiled. so Read with the Sarada MSS. instead of al. Utkantha padapithasya, 'the desire for the footstool,' means the desire to use the footstool for its legitimate purposes, i.e. for touching it with the forehead. The persons from whom this desire was not taken are not named. Hence it must be understood that everybody, all the king's subjects, are meant. The verse is intended to furnish another proof that this infant king was respected quite as much as any grown-up ruler could have been. 273 prostrate themselves) before his footstool. 1 When the ministers decided the legal and religious disputes of the subjects, they listened to (the opinion of the child) whose locks were moved by the wind from the chauris. Thus (it happened that) the king of Kasmir, being an infant, was taken neither by Kurus nor Pandavas to assist them in the Great War. 32 8 Thirty-five kings who followed him, and whose names and deeds have perished in conse quence of the loss of the records, have been immersed in the ocean of oblivion. After them La va, an ornament of the earth, a favourite of Victory that is clothed in a flowing robe of fame, became king. 5 The roar of his army, which roused the universe from its slumber, sent-0 wonder!-his enemies to their long slumber. 86 Constructing eighty-four lakhs of stone buildings, he founded the town of Lolora. 87 After giving to a community of Brahmans the agrahara of Le våra on the Lidar, the valiant (king) endowed with blameless heroism and splendour ascended to heaven. 8sHe was succeeded by his son Kusa, expert in (deeds of) prowess and lotus-eyed, who gave the agrahára of Kuruhâra. 89 After him his son, the illustrious Khagendra, the destroyer of his foes' elephants, the first (among men), an abode of valour, obtained the throne. He settled the two principal agraharas (of Kasmir), Khagi and Khona musha, and afterwards he ascended to that world which he had bought by deeds brilliant like (the glitter of) Siva's (teeth in) smiling. After him came his son Surendra, possessed of priceless greatness, who was an entire stranger to guilt, who far surpassed Indra's state, and whose deeds astonished the world. "Surendra. * Lolora is situated in the parganâ of Lolab. 87 The Ledarf, now called Lidar or Lidder, is the principal northern tributary of the Vitast&, which it joins not far from Bijbrôr. An agrahára is an inâm village given to a Brahman, or to a community of Brahmans. See the Pet. Dict. s. v. Levára is said to exist now. According to the annotator of G, Kuruhâra is now called Kular, and Pandit Dayaram places it in the Dachhinpara pargana. 90 Khagi is said to be the modern Kåkåpur (Wilson and Troyer), and Khonamusha is Khunmoh, as was first recognized by General Cunningham. See also above Report, pp. 4 seqq. The Sârada MSS. read Khonamusha instead of Khunamusha, and to this form points also the Khonamukha of Bilhana, Vikramánkacharita, xviii. 7. As there is hardly any difference between the pronunciation of o and u in Kasmir the spelling does not matter much. 1 Dirghamaghavattavahishkritaḥ, of which a double translation has been given, may be taken as two words, dirgham and aghavattavahishkritah, or as a compound, dirgha-maghavatta-vahishkritah. The author, like a good Kavi, loves his pun dearly, and intends it to be taken both ways.


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