Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 282
________________ 222 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [August, 1877. day. Kongyamba told ķhamba to go up the but the bull feeds on the lands of the king of mountain, and he would remain where he was; and | Kumal: we must send word to him." So he Kongyamba picked haukeroit flowers, but Kham- sent an officer named Thângarakpa, who told ba climbed a tree and gathered mellait flowers, the king of Kumal about it, and he agreed to and when they had done so they both returned let them catch the bull, and proposed that his home. And Thonglel, his father's friend, called friend the king of Moirang and he should go Khamba and gave him all his father's clothes together to see the sight. and ornaments, and also taught him to dance. So Thangarakpa returned, and the king When the king and all the people were assem- ordered proclamation to be made, and the next bled for the festival, Kongyâmba presented day the king of Moirang and his people, and flowers to the deity and the king, and distributed the king of Kumal and his people, all assemthe rest among the people, and Khamba did bled, and the two kings sat on platforms to see the same; and the king, seeing that the flowers the sight. Khamba came forward and salated he had brought were out of season, gave Khamba them, and said he was ready, and he and the a reward. After that the boys and girls danced, bull had a great struggle. At last he threw and the king made Khamba and Thoibi dance the ball down, and bound him with a rope and together, and all the people talked of their brought him to the two kings. The king of beauty. When the festival was over, the king Moirang was much pleased, and gave him a and others made obeisance to the deity, which present of clothes and a gold necklace and was taken away, and they all returned home. bracelets. The king of Kamal asked whose son After some time it happened that wrestling he was, and the other king replied, “He is of and running matches were held, and Kong- your family, for he is the son of Purelba." The yamba was chosen captain of the lower village, king of Kamal said, " Then he is my cousin, and Khamba of the upper village; there were for Parelba was my father's elder brother: treat fifteen competitors on either side, and the starting him kindly." The other king said, "I have point was at Kwäkta. Khamba won the race. given him my niece Thoibi in marriage." And Khamba and Kongyâmba then wrestled to- the king of Kumal replied, “Then you and gether, and Khamba was victorious. Injumping, I have become relations. Let us go now." So tossing the caber, and putting the stone he was they both of them went away home, and the also successful; and the king, saying he was the ball was offered to the god of Moirang. best man, gave him a present of clothes. In the course of time it was determined to Some days after this the time came for the hold a shooting match, and every one pat on his maibię to sit at the shrine of the god to consult best clothes. Kongyamba was ordered to pick the oracle. Now Kongyamba determined to up the arrows shot by the king, and Khamba kill Khamba, so he disguised himself as the those of the Jabraja. Now Thoibi had made maibi and sat before the god, and told the king, & very handsome jacket, and when she heard "The god declares in a dream that if you can that Khamba was to collect the arrows shot by catch the bull which feeds at Ikop and offer it her father she called her servant Sena and told to him, your life will be long and your people her to give it to Khamba, and tell him to wear happy." So the king assembled all his officers it next day at the festival. After she had done and people, and said, "If the bull which feeds so, her father the Jubraja asked her where the at Ikop can be caught and offered to the god, jacket was, as he wished to wear it, but she my life will be long; is there any among you who said she had sold it and could not give it him. can catch it " As no one answered, Khamba So the king and the people of Moirang went came forward and saluted the king, and said he to the place where the archery match was held, would undertake the task. The king was de- and the king shot first, and Kongyâmba picked lighted to hear it, and said, “If you succeed, up his arrow and gave it back to him. Then I will give you my niece Thoibi in marriage; the Jubraja shot, and Khamba picked up his + A kind of red coxcomb flower. * Mellai, a kind of yellow and brown orchid ; it flowers in October. It is one of the most handsome of the orchid tribe. $ The maibte are a kind of priests, or rather priestesses: for they are generally, though not always, women. They preside at the different festivals, act as fortune tellere, and pretend to some skill in medicine. They appear to havo no connection with Hinduism, but belong to the old superstition.


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