Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 283
________________ AUGUST, 1877.] THE STORY OF KHAMBA AND THOIBI. 223 arrow, but as he was giving it back the Jubrâja The Jubraja thought in his heart that Khamsaw that he was wearing his daughter's jacket, ba had made his daughter mad; so he determined and grew angry and said he would not give to have him beaten, and sent a servant to call his daughter to him, but to Kongyamba: So Kongyamba secretly. Kongyamba came and he called Kongyâmba and said to him, "I will saluted him, and the Jubrâja took him aside and give you my daughter Thoibî, and you may said, “Call Khamba to Khauri bâzîr and asbring the fruits for the marriage in seventeen semble your friends and relations to beat him, days to me." When Khamba's father's friends for he has bewitched my daughter, whom I gave Thonglel and Chouba heard this, they came to you." Kongyâmba was very glad, and went with Khamba and saluted the Jubraja and said, away and assembled all his friends and relations, • Do not, because you are angry, dismiss Kham- and called Khamba, and took them all to Khauri ba." But the Jubrâja answered, " The daughter bâzâr. I have reared I have given away, there is no- The Jubraja took secretly one of the king's thing left." The king was inwardly displeased elephants called Gnângkhârakpa Saranghalba, to hear it, and retired to his palace, while the and went to the same place and said to Khamba, Jubraja and all the people returned home. "You have spoken softly to my daughter and The Jubraja called Thoibî and told her that made her mad; now if you will at once promise he had given her to Kongyamba; but she secret- to give her up I will not beat you, but if you ly determined that she would not consent, and refuse, your grave shall be in this bâzâr." · went to her mother, the first queen, and said, Khamba replied, "Jubraja, even though you do “My father has given me to Kongyárba, and not love me, yet when I caught the bull you told me to marry him, against my will." The and the king gave your daughter to me in the queen replied, "The king gave you to Khamba presence of all the people, and moreover she for having caught the ball; tell him to come and I are betrothed, and have taken an oath to and marry you." So she sent word to Kham- be faithful to each other, so I cannot give her ba by her servant Senu. Early next morning up." The Jubraja hearing this became very Khamba took some fruit from his father's friend angry, and said he would kill him. Khamba Kabui Senang Maiba, and carried it home with said, "I will abide by the constancy of your him. And the same morning Kongyamba daughter, and will never turn my face away brought his fruit for the marriage, but as Thoibi from her." did not love him she pretended to be ill, and The Jubraja then told Kongyamba to assemhe returned home. After this, by the queen's ble his men to beat Khamba, and he and all his advice, Khamba brought his fruit, but Thoibi did men came with a rush and attacked Khamba, not go with him, as the Jubraja was angry and and the latter girt up his clothes and attacked would not eat of the fruit that he had brought, them in turn without turning his face away; 80 she put it aside carefully to give to her but they were so many that they overcame him father when he was in a good humour. Meanwhile and beat him severely, and the dust rose in the Jubraja went to hunt wild beasts at Tarbul, such clouds that their bodies could not be seen. but was not successful, and as he was returning There were thirty of them, so that he could not the god Thangjing inspired him with a great resist them. The Jubraja became still more desire to eat some of Thoibi's fruit, and when angry, and said, "If he acts like this in my he reached home he asked her for some. She presence I will kill him at once; bring the elu. prepared the fruit which Khamba had brought, phant." So the elephant was brought, and he and gave it to him. He said, "My daughter, this ordered them to tie Khamba to its foot, and fruit is very good, where did you get it?" She have him dragged up and down the bâzâr. So replied, "It is the fruit which Khamba brought, the men all seized Khamba, and were tying him and which you refused to eat." At that he grew to the elephant's foot. very angry, and said, "What! have you given Now, while this was going on, Thoibî was me the fruit which I refused to eat before P" asleep, but the god came to her in a dream It is customary in Manipur for the bridegroom, before the marriage, to bring a present of fruit and vegetables to the bride's house, which is taken by her relations. It appears to be considered equivalent to a formal offer of marriage. It is called Haejing puba.


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