Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 220
________________ 164 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JUNE, 1877. through the night, distribution of images, &c. (mandapanirmana-jágarana-pratimddanadi) take place; he adduces for this (fol. 81a) several quotations from the works quoted before, with the exception of the Naradiyasasihitd, which after all are not very much to his purpose. Then on the fourth ground, according to which at the simple Janmashtami celebration only punishments for its neglect are threatened, whilst at the Jayanti special promises of rewards are also proffered for the celebration of it, the author, curiously enough, adduces no statements of the latter kind (conf., e.g., above, p. 163), but only threats of punishments in case of non-celebration,t particularly from the Skandapurána (fol. 81a). Lastly, the fifth ground is that in Bhriga the Janmashtami is mentioned together with the Jayanti, and therefore directly separated from it. On this the author (fol. 83a) determines the season of the festival more closely, and places it, or rather its determinative, the meeting (yoga) of the black eighth (either in Srávani or Bháilra) with Rohini, on the ground of corresponding statements in the Vasishthasarhita in the Vishnurohasya, Adityapurana, Varahasanhita, Vishnudharmottara (fol. 831), Yogásvara at midnight (ardharátrasya mukhyakalatvanı), and, in order to be quite accurate, at one kald Go of a ghatika=8 seconds) before and after its; or also, as it is difficult to conceive so short an interval of time (kaláyá atisúkshmatvena durlakshyatvat) at a whole ghatika (24 minutes) before, and a half of the same after midnight, on the authority of • Purdne (Bhavishyapur., R.): tashtyartham Devakisúnor Jayantisanjñakam (R. sambhavam, M.) vratam kartavyam vittaminena (chintama R.) bhakty bhaktajanair apiti lapaih saha, sk., bhaktajanair iti taih sahety arthah, R.) | Bhavishyottare 'pi (1-14 in su. 1. 156, 16: 3-4a in sa. 64bc): mási bhadrapade 'shtamyari nisithe krishnapaksbage (krishnapakshe'rdbarátrake, N.) saslike vpishardkiatha fikshe rohinisanjnskell 11 yogo'smin Vasudevad dhi Devaki'mAm aj janat | tasman m&m pQjayet tatra suchih samyag uposhitah 12 | bråhnienAn bhojayed bhaktya tato dadyach cha dakshi. nám hiranya medinim gåvo (accusative!) vedusi kusumani cha ! 3 11 yad.yad ishţataman tat-tat Krishno me priyatám iti ||411 Bhavishyad-vishnud harmottarayoh Jayantyn apavasa cha mahApAtalansanab arvaih karyo mahabhaktyä pujantyaá cha kava iti | Vahnipurdre : krishn&shtamym bhaved yatra kalaika rohini yadi (smriti, N.) | Jayanti nama så proktå uposhyå så (sh yaiva, K.) prayatnata iti | Smrityantaro 'pi prajapatyarkshagarhyukta árávanasy 'sitáshsamt varshe-varshe ta kartavy, taahtyartha chakrapanina iti || Naradiyasarh hitayam Jayantim prakritya smaryate: aposhya janmachihnani karysi jagaranam tu yah ardhsrátrayutAshtamyAzn so'ávamedhaphalar labhed iti | + Jayantim pralaitys kasminschit purane (80cording to R., p. 30 Bhwishye) amaryato: akurvan y&ti narakan (nira yar yAti, R.) yavad indr As chaturdasoti Skandapurdre'pi (with 1, 3, 4a conf. D. 45abc, 46a, 482): kadrinnena tu yat pApam kavatsatasya bhojane tat papar labhate Kunti Jayanti vimakho narab || 1 || brahmaghnasya surpasya govadhe strivadhe 'pi va na loko Yadu ardala Jaya n tivimukhasya cha 12 || kriyahinasya mürkhasya parannam bhofjatopi v na kritaghnagya loko 'sti Jayantivimakhanya cha | 8 yamssys vašam Spannab sahate narakim vyatham Jayantivfeare prapte karoty adarapuranam | 4 || sa pidyate 'tim Stran ta yamadataih kalevare yo bhujita vimudh&tma Jayantiv&sare nripeti || 5 | (The verse oocars in the same way also in D. 896-88a). Janmashtami Jayanti (rohini, K.) cha Sivaratris tathairs cha I purvaviddhi tu ( mu, Cod., pra, D., viddhairs, N.K.) kartavy& tithibhånte cha paranam itil . In case, however, in this verae (as is done in K.) the lection Rohing in lieu of Jayant should be preferred, M. thinks that, after all, Rohint does not designate the star itself, but the lunar day (tishi) connected therewith, be. CAUNO the preceding and the following word have only this meaning. This variant is, moreover, of value, mit appears'& voucher that by the Jayant of the verse the festival in question of this name, and not another, which might otherwise be probable, is really meant (see & cognate text below, p. 166 in Al.). & Vasishi hasanhitayam (Vasishthah, R. N.): ashtami rohiniyukta nis yardhe (also N.K., nis&rdhe, R.) dris. yate yadi mukhyakala iti khystas (thus also K., kalah sa vijneyas, RN.), tatra játo barih evayam iti || Vishwarahasya (Bhavishyapurdne.Vishnudharmotta. rayoh, R. N. 37b, Bhavishyatpurandt, N. 260, Bhavishya, K. 23a, Vishnudharmottara, K. 22a): rohin y&mardharatre tu (cha, N.K.) yadé krishnashtami bhavet tanyám abhyarchandchhaureh nam saurer, Al. R. N. K.) hanti påpam trijanmajam iti | Adityapurane (Adipur R.; Agnipur K. according to Hemldri, under addition, namely of prefixing the following hemistich: rohinisan yutoposhya sarvAgbaugnavin Agint): ardharetr&d adhas chordhyam kalaya 'pi (VA, K.) yada bhavet | Jayanti nama si prokt& sarvapåpapraņAšiniti Vardhasanhitayam: sinhørke rohiniyukta nabhaḥ (narh, R.) krishnashtami yadi ratr yardha purv&paraga Jayanti kala ya 'pi cheti | råtryardhe cha te purvapare cha rå opare, tayor gachhati vartata iti r A rag & ghati. kaya aaltyadhikakatatamo bh&gah (satayo bh&r&h, Cod.) kall taratA parimånena purvårdhåvasine uttarardh Adan cha vartmånd grahitavy& Vishnudharmottare : rohin tsahitá krishna mlei bh Adra pad o 'shtam! | saptamy&m ardbarát r&dhah kalayl 'pi yada bhavet 11. tatra jAto Jagann Athah kaustubhi harir Lávarah | tam evops Vaset kålam kuryat tatraiva jágaram iti || 21. [This passage is quoted in sk. under Janmashtami se occurring in the Agnipurana (see above): it is, however, on the other hand, by R. N. 27a as here, referred back to the Vishnudharmottara, by R. also more particularly to the Bhavishyapurdna and Vayupurana, both of which, however, read the second hemistich of the first verse (conf. supra, the quotation from the Adityapurana and the next following one from Yogisvara) ardhardtrod adha chor. dhvam; which latter lection indeed occurs also in N. 27b, where it is indicated as in the Bhavishye Vishnudharmottare.] Yogiávarah (whereby usually Yajia valk ya is meant, which, however, does not suit here) :-rohin isabita krishni mise cha sråvade 'shtami ardharAtrad adha (as Adityapurana; R. p. 29 cites these verses from the Skanda). Sa eva (1.6. Yogisvara) pakshAntaram Aha: ardharktrád adhas chordhvam ekárdhaghatikanvita rohinichtah tami gråhy& apuvinavrat&dishy iti | M., however, explaina ekardho as if it contained two even. taalities : "either one gh. (before and after midnight), or half a gh. (before and after)." R., on the other hand (p. 29), as above. The verse occare also in D. a 81 with the variant: ghatikarohanvita'pi v..


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