Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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________________ GRANTS OF THE ANHILVAD CHAULUKYAS. JULY, 1877.] hand. After performing this feat the bravo carried the bleeding member to Vastupâla, who displayed it in front of his palace. The mutilation of their chief roused all the Jethvâ Rajputs, Simha's clansmen, and they vowed to slay the mantri with his family. The latter made preparations to resist both the Jethvâs and the Rânâ, "abandoning the hope of life." While matters were thus in a critical state, Somesvara again interposed and brought about a reconciliation. After these events the chroniclers lose sight of Visala deva, and we hear nothing more of him than that he became, as stated above, king of Gujarât in 1300 Vikrama. It is very probable that the reunion of all the Chaulukya possessions in his hand did not take place peaceably. Probably he ousted Tribhuvana på la by force of arms. Grant No. 11 proves that he took up his residence at Anhilvâd. It also shows that he was not allowed to rest on his laurels, but had to defend his new possessions against numerous and various foes. Sing hana, the Yâdava of Devagiri, who ruled until 1247-48 A.D., had already unsuccessfully assailed Viradhavala, as we learn from Someśvara, Kirtik. IV. If Visaladeva boasts that he "dried up the ocean of his army," that means, probably, that he successfully resisted another invasion. The ruler of Mala va was one of the hereditary foes of Gujarât, who probably tried another invasion. Visaladeva's contemporary in Malava was Purnamalla. The king of Med apå ta appears for the first time in this grant as (1 ) ९ राजावली पूर्व्वम् (2) व विततकमलाश्रयः (3) लाश्रयः I शतमख (*) द । मेरुरिव सदा (') नुकंपी। सुरेंद्राद्वप इव (१) जाधिराजश्री मूलराजः 1 ( 7 ) तमण्डलो श्रीमोढेरकीयार्द्धाष्टमेषु an enemy of the Solankis. Meda pâta is the Sanskrit form of Mev å d.† The word means etymologically the country of the Medas,' the Mêrs of modern times, who still inhabit the Arâvali hills, on the boundary of M e vâ d. Perhaps the Tejasimha mentioned in the Âbû inscription, which gives the pedigree of the Gohels down to 1285-86, was the opponent alluded to. Another interesting fact recorded in our grant is that Visaladeva was the successful competitor at a svayamvara for the hand of the daughter of the king of the Karnâța country. I suppose the latter must have been one of the BallûlaYa da vas of Dvarasamudra. Our grant is dated in 1317 Vikrama, or 1260-61 A.D.; and this agrees with the statement of Merutunga in the Vicharaérent that Visaladeva reigned until 1318 Vikrama, 1261-62 A.D. According to the same authority his three successors ruled as follows: See Fleet, Jour. Bo. Br. R. As. Soc. vol. XII. p. 6. Prinsep, Essays. vol. II. p. 252. † See also As. Res. vol. XVI. p. 292, where inscription X. gives the vahiávili of the Gohels of Udepur, or Medapata. The word occurs frequently in Jaina works, in the sense given above. Forbes, Rds Mála, vol. I. p. 276. Atmaram K. Dvivedi, Kachhdeino Itihas, p. 18. 191 Arjunadeva 1318 to 1331 V.=1261-62 to 1274-75 A.D. Sarangadeva 1331 to 1353 V. 1274-75 to 1296-97 A.D. Karna(ghelo) 1353 to 1360 1296-27 to No. 1. || Plate I. 1303-4. We have inscriptions of Arjun adeva at Somanâtha Pathan dated 1264-65 A.D. and in Kachh dated 1328 Vikrama, or 1271-72 A.D..§ and of Sarangadeva, in the temple of Vastupala at Abû, dated 1294 A.D. These dates agree, therefore, with Merutunga's statement. The final annexation of Gujarât by the Muham. madans in 1304 is well known. 11 राजहंस इव विमलोभयपक्षः I कमलपोनिरि । विष्णुरिव विक्रमाक्रांतभूतलः । त्र्यम्वक इन विहिताच इवविबुधानंदजनकः । कल्पवृक्ष इव atferaefe मध्यस्थ: । तोगधिरिव बहुलाश्रयः । जलद इन सर्वसत्वासदा दानतोपार्डीकृतकरः । चीलुकिकान्वये महारामहाराजाधिराजश्रीराजिसुतः I निजभुजेोपार्जितसारस्वकम्बोडका सामे समस्तराजपुरुषान् ब्राह्म: Measurements 7 inches by 10 inches. Characters ancient Kayastha Devanagari. Preservation good. Photolithograph made after painting the plates in black and white. TL. 3, the letters on the plate look like think, only because the right side-stroke of the obliterated. Read : L. 5, dele Anusvåra ; but, I has been over h


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