[JULY, 1877.
(१०) मयोः सीमायां तांबुलिकवणिज्यारकपथिकप्रभृतीनां मध्यात् यः कोपि चौरगुह्यते तस्य प्र(1) तिकार अनयोमियोः सत्कभोत्कारपाश्चात्
प्रतीति-* (११) र्लभ्या
नहि श्रीत्रिभुवनपालदेवस्य _No. 10.-Abstract.
| (a) East by UTAvasana) and Danga. I. Preamble.-(a). Vasávali agrees for rau â, the first eleven kings, from Malarija I. to (6) South-east by the villages of Chanda Bhimadeva II., with the preceding grant No.9,vasana and Indravada,, of S. 1296 Vikrama; the additional king is
(c) South by the village of Ahirana, 12. Tribhuvanapaladeva.
(d) West by the villages of Siraså vi and (6) Tribhuvan apala, who resides at
Nanda vasaņa, Anahilla pâtak, addresses the officials
(e) North-west by the villages of Unta û ya - and inhabitants of the Vishaya and Dan.
and Sirasavi,
at dá hi Pathakas on Monday, the sixth day of
North by the village of Nandavasaņa, the bright half of Chaitra of 1299 Vikrama, and
(9) North-east by the village of Kuilaya. announces the following grant, which he had
III. Purpose of Grant.--To feed the relivowed on the new moon of Phålguna (of the same
gious mendicants (kárpaţika) at the almshouse year), on the occasion of an eclipse of the sun.
built by Råņå Lunapasat in the Talapada of II. Objects granted.-1. The village of
Madla, for the spiritual benefit of his mother, Bhân shara,t bounded -
queen Salakhaṇadevi. (a) East by the villages of Kurali and
___IV. Officials.-The writer and dataka are the Dasayaja,
same as in No. 9, Bhimadeva's grant of 1296.
___V. Postscript.-A postseript states that this (b) South by the villages of Kurali and
sdsana has been made over to Sthanapati, the Tribha,
illustrious Vedagarbharasi (the superior (c) West by the villages of Arathaura
of the Saiva monastery at Mandali), and that he and Unjha,
and his successors have been made trustees. (d) North by the villages of U njhâ, D & 82- A further postscript adds the proviso that the yaja and Kam bali.
possessors of the two villages are responsible for (e) The village of Rajapuri, bounded- A robberies committed within their boundaries.
No. 11.1
Plate I. (1) ॥ स्वस्ति श्रीमद्विक्रमकालातीतसप्तदशाधिकत्रयोदशशतिकसंवत्सरे लौकिकज्येष्टमासस्य ६ (1) कृष्णपक्षचतुर्थी तिथौ गुरावोह श्रीमदणहिलपाटके समस्तराजावलीविराजितपरमेश्वरपरम- . () भट्टारक उमापतिवरलब्धप्रसादप्रौढप्रतापचौलुक्यकुलकमलिनीकलिकाविकाशमार्तंडसिंघण(१) सैन्यसमुद्रसंशोषणवडवानलमालवाधीशमानमर्दनमेदपाटकदेशकलुषराज्यवलीकंदोच्छे द](२) नकुद्दालकल्पकर्णाटराजजलधितनयास्वयंवरपुरुषोत्तमभुजबलभीम अभिनवसिद्धराज अप1) रार्जुनेत्यादिसकलबिरदावलीसमलंकृतमहाराजाधिराजश्रीमद्वीसलदेवकल्याणविजयिराज्ये (') तदनुशासनानुवर्तिनि महामात्यश्रीनागडे श्रीश्रीकरणादिसमस्तमुद्राव्यापारान परिपंथयतीत्येवं (१) काले प्रवर्त्तमाने अस्यैव परमप्रभोः श्रीमहाराजस्य प्रसादपत्तलायां वर्द्विपथके भुज्यमानमंडल्यां (१) जयश्रीनिर्भरालिंगितशरीरः महामंडलेश्वरराणकश्रीसामतसिंहदेवः नगरपौरान अन्यानपि स(१) [न]धिकृय सर्वेषां विदितं पत्रशासनं म्रयछति यथा ॥ यन्मया महादानोदकप्रक्षालितवामे
तरकरत•L.21, read तिकारोन; भोक्तृपाश्चात्
1 Measurements of plates 11 inches by 131 inches. + The Quarter-Master General's map gives of all the vil
Characters Jaina-Devanagari. lages mentioned only Unjha, south of Sidhpur and Uttohr,
L. 1, read ज्येष्ठमासस्य- L.6, read बिरुदा . L.D. which appears to be Arathaura.
read सामन्तसिंह. L.10, read प्रयच्छति.