Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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________________ 212 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JULY, 1877. (३) योभाक तथा पालकश्चापि । उक्तं च भगवता व्यासेन । बहुभिर्वसुधा भुक्ता राजभिः सगरा Fat Te () स्य यदा भूमी तस्यतस्य तदा फलं । १ षष्टिवर्षसहस्राणि स्वर्गे तिष्ठति भूमिदः ॥ अच्छेत्ता चानुमंता च तान्येव न-1 (.) रकं वसेत् ।। २ वंध्याटवीष्वतोयासु शुष्ककोटरवासिनः कृष्णसप्पा प्रजायंते दत्तदाया TERCAT: 113() डागानां सहस्रेण अश्वमेधशतेन च । गवां कोटिप्रदानेन भूमिहर्त्ता न शुद्धचति ॥ ४ ॥ (") दूतकोऽत्र महासंधिविग्रहिक ठ० श्रीश्रीधरः ॥ लिखितमिदं महाक्षपटलिकमहं० श्रीगोविंदेन st: अपरार्जुनमहाराजाधिराजश्रीश्रीमद्वीसलदेवस्य No. 11.- Abstract. welfare of the donor's grandfather, Raņ& L ûņa1. Preamble.-In the 1317th year of the pa så ja, to feed in As â palli, at a formerly inVikrama era, on the 4th day of the dark half stituted sattra, eight new Brahmans, and to keep of the month of Jyeshtha, on a Thursday, the drinking-fountain there filled (Pl. I. 1. 14). while the supreme ruler, supreme lord, the 2. For the spiritual welfare of the donor's faillustrious Visalade va, the great king of ther, Raņ& Sangrâ masinha, to provide kings, --who is made illustrious by the whole a complete dinner of royal food and drink, with line of kings (his ancestors),-who obtained condiments, betel, &c., at Mandali to eight new grace in consequence of a boon given by the Brahmans; to provide for fourteen Brahmans of husband of Umî, -who is endowed with ex- Brahmapura, at the Panchadaśadina Srådceeding valour, who is (as it were) a sun (able) dha, during the dark half of the month when to open the buds of the lotus-field of the Chau- the sun stands in the constellation of Virgo, ll luk ya, -who is a volcanic fire to dry up the alms and dakshiná; and also to provide for the ocean of the army of Sing haņa, -who crushed same Brahmans on every new moon alms the lord of Malava, who resembled a hatchet on and dakshina, and also alms for those Brahaccountof his cutting the roots of the creeper-like mans of the Kapilâ varta, who have sat turbulent government of the Medapâ taka coun- down to recite the whole Veda, and to keep try,- who resembled Purushottama since he was the drinking-fountain filled (Pl. I. 11. 15-18). chosen as husband by the daughter of the king 1 3. To provide daily food-offerings and the of Karnata (just as Purushottama was elected expenses of the service in the temples of Bal. by Lakshmi the daughter of the ocean), --who lala når ayana and Räpankrâ yana, is adorned by numerous honorific titles, such as and to repair dilapidated temples. (Pl. I. 1. 19, *a (second) Bhima by the strength of his arm, the Pl. II. 1. 1.) new Siddhar åja, and a second Arjuna,' III. Objects granted.-(a) In the village of ruled auspiciously and victoriously at srimat Mehan six ploughs of land, twelve shops in Aņa hilla på ta ka, and while his obedient Mandali, and 6 ploughs of land in the village prime minister, the illustrious Någada, held of Rinasiha vasana. all the great offices, viz. that of secretary and the (6) A garden in Luņd å vasaņa. rest, the great provincial chief R &ņ& Saman- (c) A garden in Rûp &pura. tasiṁha, who rules in Mandali, situated in (d) A palladikd with a daily tax of one dam.* Vardhipathaka, the favoured district of All this was made over for management to the the above-mentioned supreme lord, gives the fol. | superior of Srim ûleśvara de va's monaslowing grant : tery (at Mandal), the great lord of ascetics, II. Grantees and Purpose. For the spiritual Rajakula Visvâmitra. (P1 II. 11. 2-5.) + L. 14, read of a B r . L. 16, read ata; fed before and were not to be fed again, & new batch nar, . | 6. e. the Mah Alayaáraddha during BlAdrapada Badi. I Paripanthayati, loc. sing. Pres. part., is used in all the T The coast of the Bharuch districts. Western inscriptions of the 12th and 13th century in the • I am unable to explain the word palladika. The text sense of 'holding. has : which, I think, can only stand for Aprw,new,' means that the Brabmans had not been one dam.' taking their place.


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