Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 246
________________ 190 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY [JULY, 1877. Neither in the Abû nor in the Girnår inscrip- correct in so many cases which appeared at first tions of the two brothers is Bhimadeva men- sight rather doubtful that I have no hesitation tioned with a single word, though another Abû in accepting them as long as they are not inscription of the same time acknowledges him as proved to be wrong by very strong evidence. lord paramount. On the other hand Lavaņa- As regards the history of Visala deva prasada and Virad havala are given the Vaghelâ of Anhilvâd, Rajasekhara and Harshatitles mahárája and maharajadhiraja. The time gani state that his father Virad ha vala died of Lavanaprasada's defection can be fixed ap- at Dholkâ not long before his great minister. proximately from Vastupâla's Girnar inscrip- As the latter's death occurred in 1297 Vikrama tions. Theret Vastupala says that he trans- (1240 A.D.), the Rank's career must have come to acted the business with the seal' in Gujarat an end either in 1295 or 1296 Vikrama, i.e. besince 1276 Vikrama (1219-20 A.D.). The portions tween 1238 and 1240 A.D. Vîrad ha vala had of the Chaulukya kingdom which Lavanapra- two sons, Virama de va and Visaladeva. sâda and Vfradhavala 'saved' were, besides the The former, who, as the elder, was the rightful Dholka and Dhandhuka districts, Khambay, heir to the gadi, had given offence both to his Lata, and Godhra, which are mentioned by father and to Vastup ala by ill-treating a Someśvara as subject to Virådhavala. The Chau- Vânia, and had been banished to Viramalukya conquests in the Kathiâvûd peninsula grâma, the modern Viramgâm. On the news of fell to the local chieftains, who again became his father's mortal illness he came to Dholk å free, as they had been before the time of and tried to assert his right. But Vastupala Jayasinha. The Prabandhakosha mentions was too strong for him. He secured Vis alaespecially the chief of Vadhvåņ as having be- deva's succession, and forced Virama to fly come independent and engaging in war with from the city. Virama then tried an appeal to Viradhavala. If Chand's and the Muhammadan arms. Being defeated, he went to his father-inaccounts of events referring to Bhimadeva's law U da yasim hu, chief of J & bali, and was reign are added to the notes given above, it treacherously murdered at the instigation of will be possible to give a tolerably accurate Vastupala, who, like a true Hindu mantri, outline of the history of Bhimadeva's reign. made it his first care to remove “the thorns" But I defer this for another opportunity, from the kingdom. If Vastupala hoped to when I shall give a short history of the whole keep Visala deva in dependence, and to Solanki period. retain the great influence which he possessed All the Gujarati chroniclers close the list of the during his father's reign, he was disappointed. Chaulukya kings of the main line with Bhim & The new Râņa appointed & Brâhman called deva. If grant No. 10 now furnishes the name Nâga dag as his prime minister, and left to of an additional king, Tribhuvana pala, the two brothers some minor offices only. who held Anhilvad 1299 Vikrama, after Bhima- They suffered many indignities, and had been deva's death, and declares himself to be 'meditat. I nearly obliged to undergo the ordeal by the ing on his feet,' i. e. to he his lawful successor, snake in the pot' (ghatasarpa) in order to the most probable solution of the difficulty is prove themselves innocent of peculation. Their that this ruler maintained himself only for a old friend Someśva r a saved them by a timely short time, and was not generally acknowledged epigram. Not long after, another incident as king of Gujarat. In favour of this view occurred which had nearly driven Vastupala into Merutunga's staternent, from the Vicháraáreni, open rebellion against his new master. The king's may be adduced, according to which Visala maternal uncle, called Simha, gave a blow to de va the son of Viradhavala succeeded to the the gorji or yati who was Vastapâla's spiritual throne of AŅhilvâd in 1300 Vikrama, or 1243-44 guide. The proud minister avenged it by causA.D., as the first Chaulukya king of the Vaghela ing one of his Rajput servants to accost Sinh branch. Merutunga's dates have been proved to be in a seemingly friendly manner and to cut off his + Wilson, No. II. As. Res, vol. XVI. p. 239. Mentioned as minister in grant No. 11, PL. I. 1. 7. I See J. Burgess, inscription from Kathihad No. 16, 14: Harshagani says that the change in the ministry did ७५ वर्षपूर्व गूर्जरमण्डले धवलक्ककप्रमुखनगरेषु मुद्रव्यापारान् | not occur at once, but that Visaladeva, before it happened, WAS rescued by the brothers from an invasion made by Naragoal. Mr. Limaye, the translator, has made a sai simha, king of Dhala, i.e. Tripara-Tivers, and that he was meas of this passage. afterwards corrupted by his uncle Simba.


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