[JULI, 1877.
(°) नीयश्च उक्तं च भगवता व्यासेन षष्ठि वर्षसहश्राणि' (') स्वर्गे तिष्ठति भूमिदः आच्छेत्ता चानुमंता च तान्ये(७) व नरकं वसेत् लिखितमिदं कायस्छकांचनसुते[न] (') वटेश्वरेण
दूतकोऽत्र महासांधिविग्रहिकश्रीचंड(1) शर्मा इति मंगल महाश्रीः श्रीभीमदेवस्य (11) स्वरजी
स्थापीत No. 2.- Abstract.
III. Object granted.-The village of Masura, I. Preamble. In Sarmvat 1086 Vikrama, on | boundedthe 15th day of the bright half of Karttika, the (a) East by the village of Ghadahadika, king of kings, Bhimadeva, who resides | (8) South by the village of Aikayika, in Aņa hila pataka, addresses all officials | (6) West by the village of Dharavadika, and inhabitants of Mas û ra, situated in the Dvá- (d) North by the village of Prajharikin dasa of Ghada hadika, in the province of | IV. Oficials.-Writer of the grant: Vate Kachha, and announces the following grant:
svara, son of Kanchan as a Kayastha II. Grantee.-Bhattaraka Ajapalat | Dataka : the minister of peace and war, Chanson of Acharya Mangalaśiva, an emigrant from daśarman. Navanisaka, situated in Kachha.
No. 3.||
Plate I. ( स्वस्ति राजावली पूर्ववत्समस्तराजावली विरा] जितपरमभट्टारकमहाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वरश्री(१) मूलराजदेवपादानुध्यातपरमभट्टारकमहाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वरश्रीचामुंडराजदेवपादानुध्यातपर(१) मभट्टारकमहाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वरश्रीदुर्लभराजदेवपादानुध्यातपरमभट्टारकमहाराजाधिराज(1) परमेश्वरश्रीभीमदेवपादानुध्यातपरमभट्टारकमहाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वरत्रैलोक्यमलश्रीकर्ण(') देवपादानुध्यातपरमभट्टारकमहाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वरावन्तीनाथ त्रिभुवनगंडवरकजिष्णुसिद्धच(6) क्रवर्तिश्रीजयासंहदेवपादानुध्यातपरमभट्टारकमहाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वरउमापतिवरलब्धप्र(') सादप्रौढप्रतापस्वभुजविक्रमरणांगणविनिजितशाकंभरीभूपालश्रीकुमारपालदेवपादा(१) नुध्यातपरमभट्टारकमहाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वरपरममाहेश्वरप्रबलबाहुदंडदर्परुपकंदर्प-1 (१) कलिकालनिष्कलंकावतारितरामराज्यकरदीकृतसपादलक्षक्ष्मापालश्रीअजयपालदेव(१) पादानुध्यातपरमभट्टारकमहाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वराहवपराभूतदुर्जयगर्जनकाधिरा(1) जश्रीमूलराजदेवपादानुभ्यातपरमभट्टारकमहाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वराभिनवसिद्धराज(12) श्रीमद्भीमदेवः स्वभुज्यमानगंभूतापथकान्तःपातिनः समस्तराजपुरुषान ब्राह्मणोत्तरांस्वनि(15) युक्ताधिकारिणो जनपदांश्व बोधयत्यस्तु वः संविदितं यथा श्रीमद्विक्रमादियोत्पादितसंव(५) सरशतेषु द्वादशसु तृषष्टि उत्तरेषु लो. श्रावणमासशुक्लपक्षद्वितीयायां रविवारेऽत्रांकतो
• L. 6, rond we arraror. L. 8, rend T . L. 11. The letters in this line are modern and a later addition.
dition I think the sentence is a note referring to the pawning of the plate with the Vanil in whose possession it was found, and it means “Syarit, i.e. Særijt, the priest or Brahman, has deposited it (in my house)." _ Descendants of this Bhattraks exist to this day in Kachh, as Mr. D. Khakar informs me..
I Neither this nor any of the other villages mentioned can be trooed on the map.
Soe grant No. 1.
_ Measurementa 11 inches by 12). Characters Jains DevenAgarf. Preservation good. The plates had been heated, to remove the rast, before coming into my, handa. Transcripts of this and following grants made, under my own and VAmanfcharya Jhalakar's supervision, by Naryana Sastrt. Mistakes in Sandhi occurring in this and the other plates have not been corrected in the notes, as they are too numerous.
11.8, rend रूपकं° L. 19, perhaps नागभूत्वा or yer" lettera balf destroyed. L. 14, read free