Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 129
________________ APRIL, 1877.] SANSKRIT AND OLD CANARESE INSCRIPTIONS. [30] À 9955HH.... 1 HT(H) FT (W) EM E ST - [31] TATOUETTE विलसितमचिरांशुचंचलमवगच्छद्धिराचन्द्रार्कधराण[32] वस्थितिसमकालं स्वदत्तिनिर्विशेष परिपालनीयमुक्त भगवता वेदव्यासेन व्या[38] सेन [I] बहुभिर्वसुधा भुक्ता राजभिस्सगरादिभिर्यस्य यस्य यदा भूमिस्तस्य तस्य त[34] दा फलं [॥] वन्दातुं सुमहच्छक्यं दुःखमन्यस्य पालनं दानं वा पालनं वेति दानाच्छ्यो नुपा[35] [U] FACHİCGFIFI) at a TFTİ TË THTETIT PT AM - [36] : [w] HETHTËTuitinftragoza fareal shafaa [1] Translation. supremo lord, the venerable one-who acquired, Hail! Victorious is the body, which was that only by his impetuosity assisted by his intellect, of a Boar, that was manifested of Vishnu,- the appropriate and accumulated regal power of which agitated the ocean, and which had the his own family; who illumined the distant regions arth resting upon the tip of its aplifted right with the banner of his fame, that was acquired by hand task! the conquestof hostile kings who engaged in wars The son of the great king Sri-Pulake. of various kinds that were brought to an end (by śivallabha,--whose body was purified by him)*; who seized the city of Kanchi after ablutions performed after celebrating horse-sacri- the defeat of the leader of the Palla vas, who fices, and who adorned the family of the glorious had been the cause of the humiliation and Chaluky as, who are of the kindred of destruction of that familyt which was as pure Mâna vya, which is praised over the whole as the rays of the moon; who rent open with the world, and who are the descendants of Hà riti, thunderbolt that was his prowess the proud sumand who are nourished by seven mothers who mits of the haughtiness of the three mountains are the seven mothers of mankind, and who which were the kings of Cho!a, Pandy a, and have attained an uninterrupted continuity of Kerala; who had the lotuses which were his prosperity by the protection of Kârttikêya, feet besprinkled with the waters which were the and who have all kings made subject to them rays of the watering-pot which was the jewelled on the instant at the sight of the sign of the diadem of the lord of Kâichi, who bowed Boar, which they acquired through the favour down before no other (but who performed oberof the holy Nârâ yana,-(was) the great king sance to him); and who was the supreme lord Kirttiva rmâ, the favourite of the world, of the whole extent of the earth included within whose pure fame was established in Vana va si the three oceans. and other territories of hostile kings that had His sont, Vinay aditya-Saty a śraya, been invaded by his prowess. the fuvourite of the world, the great king, the His son (was) Satyasraya, the favourite supreme king, the supreme lord, the venerable of the world, the great king, the supreme king, one-who, having at the coinmand of his the supreme lord, -who acquired the second father arrested the extremely exalted power of name of "supreme lord' by defeating Sri the Palla vas, whose kingdom consisted Harshavardhana, the warlike lord of all of three component) dominions, as The Genethe region of the north. ralş did arrest the strength of the Daityas His dear son was) Vikramaditya, the (at the command) of him f who bears the young Two letters are quite illegible here; only the Visarga madityasya sunuh Vinayaditya) Ajnapayati il', which after them is discernible. Some word meaning tar, due, or 1 could only be literally followed by taking the relative perquisite, in apposition with Adityunchhamar umannah pronoun is the basis of the construction in the translatiota. ant Maruschhamar manna, stands here in the original, In all such involved passages, it is preferable to avoid the but I cannot decipher it in the facsimile. use of the relative pronoun as much possible, by break. Vividha-rasito-sita-samara', &c., 11. 13-14; sita here i ing up the sentences. seems to be the past participle passive of 80, 'to destroy, | Karttik@ya, the leader of the armies of the gods. finish, bring to an end." + The Chalukyavamia, which was one of the offshoots of The demons, the descendants of Diti. the Somayatna or race of the moon.' Siva. Karttikêya being the son of Siva, this is ans The construction of the original, 11. 10 to 24, is different, other point of comparison hinted at in the epitheta applied being, in outline, 'Satyrayal Tat-priya-subtsya Vikra. 'to Vinay Aditya.


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