April, 1877.]
[28] पारगाय वनवासि(सी)मण्डल एदे(?डे)वो लागे किकागामासि[20] ना[म]यामस्सभोगस्सर्वबाधापरिहारोपेतो दत्तः
पेग्गागामासि[30] ग्रामपश्चिमभागग(?)तो कृतं क्षेत्रं
च तस्य क्षेत्रस्य [31] सीमा पूर्वोत्तरदिभा(ग्भा)गे सिरिगोदुग्रामसीन पूलि[32] वतु । तत आगत्य । कसुरिगोदु । तत पेदा(?)तु । तत
Third plate. [33] आलेले । तत ........ळ । तत नित्त कल्लु(?) । तत प्राग्गतो नेछि[34] (!) । तत कुठपके । तत दक्षिणदिशमावृत्य प......कट्ट [u] [35] तदागामिभिरस्मद्वेश्यैरन्यैश्च राजभिरापुरैश्वर्यादीनां विलसितमचिरांशुचञ्च[36] लमवगच्छद्विराचन्द्रार्कधरार्णवस्थितिसमे(म)कालं यशश्चिचि(ची भिस्स्वदत्तिनि[37] विशेष परिपालनीयमुक्तज भगवता वेदव्यासेन व्यासेन ] बहुभि[38] सुधा भुक्ता राजभिस्सगरादिभिर्य्यस्य यस्य यदा भूमिस्तस्य तस्य [39] तदा फलं [m] स्वन्दातुं सुमहच्छक्यं दुःखमन्यस्य पालनं दानं वा पाल[40] नं चेति दानाच्छेयो नुः पालनं [u] स्वदत्तां परदत्तां वा यो हरेति(त) वसुन्धरां ष[41] टिं वर्षसहस्राणि विष्टायां जायते कृमिः [u] महासन्धिविग्रहिक[42] श्रीरामपुण्यवलभेन
शासनं Translation.
| Vilas, the Malavas, thecholas, the PanHail! Victorious is the body, which was dyas and others were brought into a similar that of a Boar, that was manifested of Vishnu, stateof servitude with the Alu. . . . rgatand (&c., as in No.XXIX.)!
others, who were hereditarily (subject to him),The son of the great king Sri-Pulike si-l thus issues bis commands to all people : vallabha',-whose body was purified (&c., "Be it known to you! Six hundred and as in No. XXIX.)-(was) the great king Sri- sixteen years of the Saka (era) baving elapsed, Kirttivarmi, the favourite of the world, in the fourteenth year of (Our) augmenting (&c., as in No.XXLX.).
and victorious reign, at (Our) victorious camp, His son (evas) Satyasraya, the favourite which is located at the village of Karanjaof the world, the great king, (&c., as in No. patra in the neighbourhood of (the city of) XXIX.).
Harshapura, on the day of the full-moon His dear son (was) Vikramaditya, the | of (the month) Karttika, at the request of the supreme lord, the venerable one-who acquired illustrious Aļu varaja, the village of Kiru. (&o., as in No. XXIX.).
Kâgâ mâsi, in the Ede volal division in His son, Vinayaditya-Satyasraya, the Vanavasi district, is given by Us, with the favourite of the world, the great king, the the right of enjoyment, and free from all opsupreme king, the supreme lord, the venerable posing claims, to sanasar m a, who is thorone-who, having at the command of his father oughly well versed in the Vedas and the (&c., as in No. XXIX.), (was) like Bharata, Vodangas, the son's son of Srisarma, on account of his being the refuge of kings, who performed the Sôma sacrifice of the and by whom the Pallavas, the Kalam-| VAtsy agotra, (and) the son of Marasarma. bhras, the Keralas, the Haihayas, the (Also there is given) an uncultivated (P) field S Two letters are quite illegible in the photograph here. the name is spelt Pulakésivallabha.' In 11. 3 and 7 of Two letters are illegible in the photograph'here.
the Aihole inscription, No. XIII., the reading is distinctly . In No XXVIIL,1.7, No.XIX.,I1.6-7,No. Xxx.,
'Paliked. In No. XXVII., 1. & it is 'Polikekivallabba." 1. 6, and Major Dixon's copper-plate graat No. , PL. I., L. 5, + See note to l. 21 of the text. Akritash; 1. 30.