Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 188
________________ 140 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. MAT, 1877. the inscription doubtful. But I find from the Kara di fragment was found in & Jain EHiot MS. Collection that the title 'glorious Basti which has been converted into a linga and valorous universal emperor'* is never as- temple of the god Ramalinga. It is a vory sumed by Jayasińh a II., and, on the other old building, with a roof of sloping slabs, now hand, is almost always included among the titles almost buried under the centre of the village, of the successor of Some s vara d & va III. the level of which has been gradually rising for Accordingly, this inscription is of the time of centuries past from the accumulation of dust, the second Jagadêka malls, and the date ruins, &c. The upper part of the tablet is lost. of it is Saka 1061 (A.D. 1139-40), which was The fragment has 22 lines, of which several at the Siddharthi sasivatsara. the top are imperfect where the stone was broWhile on this subject I may mention that ken, of about 27 letters each. The characters I am somewhat inclined to think that Jagad e. and language are Old Canarese. The inscripkamalla is the title, not of a son of Sô- tion is very much abraded. The date is lost, me svaradeva III., but of a brother of his with the missing apper portion of the stone. probably a younger brother--named Jay & But the inscription refers itself to the time of karņa. Jayakarņa is not mentioned by some Mahásåmanta or Great Chieftain who weg Sir W. Elliot, bat his name occurs in one of my the minister of the Chalukya) king Jaya - Ratta inscriptionst, in which he is stated to karņa dēva, and records grants made by the be a son of Vikramadity, and also in a Gavunda, or village-headman, Chavanda, fragment of a Western Châluky a inscription and others, to the temple of the god Kesava. recently discovered at Karadi in the Hun. In this inscription, Jay akarna's name is gond Taluka of the Kalád gi District. The misspelt Jayakharna Transcription. [?] Nama(mah) Sri-Vasudôvâya bhôging yoga-murtta['] yê Har-eśvaraya nityaya [°] param-ftmanê | Svasti samasta-bhuvan-asraya ['] éri-prithvi-vallabha maharaj-adhiraja param-êsvara [°] parama-bhattaraka [Satyá]sraya-kala-ti. [°] laka Châluky-abharaṇa [sri]matu-pratâ pa-chakra['] vartti Jayadékamalladêva[ra]. vijaya-rajyam=u. [] ttar-Óttar-abhivriddhi-pravarddhamânam-A-[char]dr-arkka-taram [°] baram saluttam-ire. [1] [Ta]t-pada-pa[dm-]pajivi [1] [10] Sri-vallabhan-amalam bha[d8]v-amghri-sardja-bhrim"] gan=Angaja-kalpam kôvida-suka-sahakâram dê["] var Sri-Kaļidêsa-daņdâdhi[sa] . Samadhigata-pam[^] (cha)-mahasabda-mahâsâ[ma]m-a[dhi]pati maha[] prachanda-dandanâyaşa samast-adhikari mane[TM] vêrggade Kaļim-a[ra]sa ........ ne(P)galda (?) Kaļida[] sa-chamûnathan=ada ...................3 gu-ja["] n-aika-nilayam Sri-na .......... 1 dhisam | Matt-ante Ka["] lim-arasang-uttama ....... .... Mahadeva-chama["] p-óttaman=udagra-mahimam matt-êbha-balam vinîtan-atata-sau(sau)[] ryya Imteenisida Mahâdêva-dandanayakanum På["] ladêva-dandanayakanum Châļukya-Jagadôkamalla[TM] varishada erade (da)neya Siddhartthi-samvatsarada Kartti["] ka su(su)ddha trayodasi(si) Sômavarad=amdu Srimad-yo satyâya • Sremat-pratápa-chakravarti ; 11. 6-7 of the present in. ordiption. No. VIII., st Konnor in the Gókák Talukd of the Belgaum District; Jour. Bo. Br. R. As. Soc., No. xxix., vol. X., p. 287, transor. 11. 8 and 64. I One or two letters are quite illegible here. Eight or nine letters are quite illogiblo here. Six or seven letters are quite illegible here. Five or six letters, representing eight short-syllable. instante, are quite illegible here. Probably the original stood uttamd-sw-putram-ogedarh.


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