Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 06
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 187
________________ MAY, 1877.] SANSKRIT AND OLD CANARESE INSCRIPTIONS. 139 and on its left, a figure of B as a va, with the no remark, except that the use of the old l is moon above it. The fragment contains 19 an affectation of archaism in an inscription of lines, more or less imperfect, of about 25 letters. this date. The tablet is of sandstone, and the The rest of the stone is lost, and the fragment surface is very much abraded. Not many letters that exists has recently broken in two, since are absolutely illegible; but in many instances the time when Sir W. Elliot's copyist visited only very faint, though distinctly perceptible, it. After the usual introductory verse in praise traces of letters remain, and the whole of the of the god Sambhu, the inscription begins writing has become very shallow. This preby referring itself to the time of the Chi- vented my taking a paper cast of this inscrip!uk y a king (Vikramaditya-) Tribh a- tion, and, from the same cause, the photograph van amalla dêva, when he was ruling at of this inscription given at Pl. 15 of Mr. Hope's the capital of Kaly âņa. It then mentions Collection represents it very imperfectly; when his subordinate 1, the Mahápradhana or Prime the stone was photographed, only such letters as Minister Naranay ya, the Dandandyaka, who were quite clear were filled in with chalk, and was governing the district of Bå gadage.* many of them were filled in and developed wrong Among the titles given to N araña y ya, i.e. ly. The temple in front of which the tablet stands Nara yaņa, are the supreme chief of Great is evidently originally a Jain building, and Chieftains, who has attained the five mahasab- must be the temple of the god Y ôg & svara, dast', 'he who does not speak again when he has referred to in the inscription, to which the grant -spoken (once)t', 'the choice elephant of Anņas', was made. It has been subsequently adapted, and the head of the family of) Bhâņas u.'|| and is now used, as a temple of Ellamma. It then proceeds, in line 15, to introduce and It is of no size or architectural pretensions. describe the grantee; but the part of the stone The inscription records how, in the second containing his name, and the date, and the year of the reign of Jaga dê kamalla, the details of the grant, is lost. Siddharthi sanvatsara, two of his suborNo. XXXIII. dinate Dandanayakus, Ma ha d êva and PaThis is another Western Châlu ky a in- lade va, at the request of a certain noble scription, in the Old Canarese characters and named Ramad êva, allotted to the temple a language, on a stone-tablet standing in front of yearly grant of ten gadydnas out of the proa partially ruined temple near the centre of the ceeds of the tax or impost called Siddhaya. embankment of the tank at Bå dami. The em- There are two Jaga deka mallas in the blems at the top of the stone are :- In the centre, Chalukya genealogy -J a y asimha II., a figure of Jinêndra, seated on a pedestal whose date, by Sir W. Elliot, is Sak a 940 ? with a trongh to receive and carry off the water to 962 ?,--and the eldest son and successor poured over the image in the performance of of Sô mê svarad ê va III., whose title only, abhisheka or ablution'; on its right, a cow and and not his proper name, is given in the incalf, with the sun above them; and on its left, scriptions, and whose date, by the same autowards the top of the stone, the moon. The thority, is Šaka 1060 to 1072. There being tablet measures about 5' 8}" high by l' 10" thus an interval of exactly one hundred and broad, and the inscription covers aboat 35" of twenty years, or two cycles, between the comthe total height. The average size of the letters mencement of the reign of each Jaga deis *". The characters are neatly formed types kamalla, the name of the sanatsara and of the period to which they belong, and call for the year of the reign still leave the date of Tat-pada-padm-opajfvi.. Annana gandha-viranan. In 1. 11 of the Kadaroļi • See vol. V., p. 175. The Bagadage or Bågadige Soventy inscriptiou, vol. I, p. 141, this same title is applied to district is mentioned, as far as my present knowledge goes, another Mahápradhana and Dandanayaka, Sómeávara. only in the Sindavam a inscriptions of the KalAdgi District bhatta, the sabordinate of Bhuvanaikamalladeva. and its immediate neighbourhood. Bågadage must be the Bhanasu-verggude. From other inscriptions that I modern Bågawadi, famous as the birthplace of Basava, - have collected, this seems to be a Sindavamsa title. Båmasa, the chief town of the Taluka of the same name in the en passant, is given by Sanderson as a Tadbhava corrupKalddgi District. tion of the Sanskrit mahanaga, and as meaning 'cooking'; 1 Samadhigata - pancha-mahalabda-mahdsdmomt-adhi. also banasiga, 'a cook.' pati. See the undoubtedly correct explanation of this This is the Canarese name of RenukA, the wife of title now given by Mr. Growse, at vol. V., p. 854. Jamadagni, and the mother of Parasurama. Her principal Nudidu matt = ennan. Conf. the nudid-ante-gan- shrine is the well-known temple on the hills at Ugargo!, damn-' he who sees as he speaks', 1.e., who is true to his near Saundatti, in the Perasgad Talukd of the Belgaum word', or 'who enforces his commands'--of other inscriptions. District.


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